The Importance Of Integrity

The precision of experience is far more refined than an abstraction could ever be, which is out of sync with the moment. So, living one’s life according to these imprecise interpretations is bound for destabilization because there will be gaps in the building blocks. Even if they are subtle, when the tower is tall enough, the natural force of gravity will send it back towards the ground. The structure of any building must have as much integrity as the ground itself to withstand the unrelenting forces of nature’s perfection. Otherwise, it will be forcibly transformed back into pieces after failing to imitate wholeness. The only preventive measure to prevent inevitable disaster is to see from the ground, from stillness, during not just a few periods of a construction, but throughout the entire build so its influence can flow into one’s efforts.  

In isolation, there is the drive to develop an integrity filled mind because there is no outside psychological support to lean on. Out of running from the state of psychosis is a powerful motivator enough to correct the fallacies, the gaps, in one’s mind that manifests as suffering. So to buffer each other from their own disorder, people continually seek the company of others not to share their love, but to enable their escapism from destruction. The same destruction that’s needed to rebuild a sound arrangement. 

If you ever wish to reach a state of health (wholeness) & gain ownership over your own life, there must be a time where you enter into this solitude without surrendering to the many impulses to commune with familiar distractions. There are infinite ways to pull yourself apart in finite directions. But there is only one way to reach the boundless we all seek.

Muster the courage to turn inward, & once you reach the other side of your darkness, you will be met with an unwavering light that will watch over even the tiniest details of your life.


The Trap Of Vicarious Living