Peak Or Platform

Would you rather climax with excitement & fall back towards the bottom, or gradually rise to new heights without ever hitting the ground? Your answer for this question, & search for either choice, has a profound effect on the quality of your life. One begets instability & addiction, while the other slowly enhances your being. & the primary difference in outputs between the two is the timeline of gratification. If you simply learn how to wait between the time you begin a process & the experience of its payoff when it’s complete, without removing attention, you will see the greatness of your potential unfold into reality. The key to this is building not for the pursuit of pleasure, but from the seat of joy. So, if you are to realize any blueprint of value, its operation must be a flow you appreciate. Otherwise the power of focus to break through barriers & reach the next platform will be unattainable. Everything reverberates & is made up of parts which have space between them. Even if you can’t see it. Therefore, there is always room to weave through an obstacle. But only for the action that is consolidated enough to fit amongst its cracks. If it is too broad, it will not pass. Just as the tip of a pin can pierce your skin, but the blunter handle on its opposite side cannot. & if you carry your attention along the stimulating, turbulent path towards an imminent peak, you will not have the steadiness to hold your pin of attention with a grip which can penetrate towards a higher state. Your life will be defined by a continuous cycle of summits & valleys. It will have the sensation of change, but you will get nowhere.  

In 1970, there was an experiment conducted by Stanford University which studied the ability of a child to delay gratification against the sugary temptation of marshmallows. Scientists placed a kid in a room alone with this treat, but told them if they wait 15 minutes, they would be awarded a second one. An intriguing offer to a young mind. There were some children who couldn’t wait for a larger experience of deliciousness, & gobbled the one marshmallow before they were eligible for another. Then there were some who had the wisdom to consider that with patience, they will receive double the goodies. They tracked these people throughout the course of their lives & noticed differences in their destinies. Those who could not wait, ended up achieving less than those who exercised their will power as a child. 

Michael Jordan, perhaps the greatest basketball player of all time, was cut from his high school team. J.K. Rowling, the literary genius & founder of Harry Potter, was rejected by 12 publishers on her way to distribute the now ubiquitous story to people across the world. Sir James Dyson, creator of the Dyson vacuum, a billion dollar venture, created over 5000 prototypes over the course of 15 years until he discovered the correct model. Walt Disney, was told by his first newspaper editor that he lacked imagination & had no good ideas. Theodor Suess Gisel, creator of Dr. Suess, was on his way home to burn his manuscripts after being rejected by 27 publishers before a friend found someone who could print them. 

What do all of these monumental people have in common besides the fact that they refused to quit? Each & every one of them went through an arduous process which did not give them immediate satisfaction. In fact, they all must have gone through incredible pain with the knowledge that their calling had been rejected by their peers. That reality had placed a barrier delaying their dream’s fruition. The person who's searching for a peak experience just around the corner could not fathom continuing after such defeat. If the goal was simply to have quick fun, not to transform their own lives & those around them, they would have dropped their ideas at the first sign of resistance. None of these profound inventions & feats which have given large amounts of humanity a platform to stand upon would have seen the light of day. 

It seems we are given ideas & levels to reach through our execution of those ideas not simply for selfish reasons. We receive missions supported by our natural & specific inclinations which have the power to uplift humanity as a whole. Obstructions are simply a test of resolve. “Do you trust me”? The universe asks as it simultaneously gives you a path while creating obstacles along the way. It’s a mysteriously intelligent game of developing our character into one that cannot be copied. Truly, the only reason we look for the climax is because of a false, conscious or unconscious belief that we are unable to withstand the discomfort of a meaningful journey. This, of course, is far from the truth. But if you’ve handicapped yourself through consuming snacks & rendered yourself unfit to travel up a mountain, you’ll choose a mound instead because you can see its top from where you sit. It’s approachable yet degenerative pursuit does you no good because it does not support the universal program of evolution. How much effort does it require you to reach into your pocket, open your phone, & watch a tik tok. It probably takes less than 1% of your power to do so. If you repeatedly pull these slot machines across our society, of which there are many, the “muscle of greatness” within you will atrophy because of the time old truth: if you don’t use it you will lose it. 

So although you may see the desire to climax to be a natural & common destination, I implore you to look deeper into the implications of seeking these parabolic joy rides which marketing departments conveniently leave out of their campaigns. As a human being, you are designed to dream, to build, & to endure. Use these divine gifts to patiently bring your valuable expression from your mind to the Earth. The world will thank you! 


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