The Utility Of Change & Silence

Once you are able to fully see there is both the light of knowledge & the darkness of ignorance in your mind, you will have access to a profoundly useful flow of information. If you have convinced yourself that the data you have within your limited thought process is enough to navigate this ever changing world, the enrichment of your life will be over. It is the reception of dynamics which brings fulfillment, not the acquisitions that truly only add up to stagnation. The wind that passes through your hair on a hot day. The mystical aroma of your favorite dish amongst the laughter of friends. The gradual transition of orange to purple hues during a spectacular sunset morphing into twilight. The influx of emotion from gazing into the eyes of a lover. All of these in common, cannot be brought to a halt & contained for safe keeping. They are the seemingly immaterial magic of living that comes & goes like a whisper. It is this hide & seek act of life, this impeccably subtle game of existential novelty, that keeps us engaged. An experience of perpetual refreshment is open to the one who knows he or she does not know. Imagine how our nomadic ancestors, before the time of settlements, must have lived. What adventures they embarked on & sublime events they encountered along their travels. Irregular patterns, the ones we crave from entertainment due to our largely sedentary society, is what we all desire to know; so much to the point where I suspect it is a need of human wellbeing to be intune with continuous novelty that is a never ending happening within the natural world. Many of us have taken our longings for real a journey, & suppressed it into desiring to observe simulations. & in this pursuit to engage with curated environments, the ability to even want, let alone be involved with the authentic planet, is lost. Forgotten & replaced by man made replicas. 

So how has something as important brought fear to many minds across time & space? Why has the utility & enjoyment of change been accepted in certain situations while in others it is rejected. It seems to be a result of perspective. Of preference derived from personal interest which can never align with how things are. Generally, we want things we like to stay, & things we don’t to go away. & because the modern attitude is of competition with nature, not of cooperation, many millions of people have shrunk every aspect of their life down to avoid this competition that cannot be won. We cut instead of cultivate. Our hair. Our imaginations. Our idiosyncrasies. Our wildlife. We even cut off our friends & family’s speech when they are going too far “outside the box”. But if you look into the abundance of the natural ecosystem which has been thriving far longer than human civilizations, you will see there are things being trimmed to facilitate further growth. Not cut. Even forests have the intelligence to create fires, not to destroy themselves, but to clean the accumulated decay which lies at its floor in preparation of a new flowering. The snake sheds its skin. The crab replaces its shell. Butterflies break their cocoon. The fundamental desire of life is expansion & this relentless happening necessitates change. 

We all have the visceral craving to observe transformation. There needs to be regular first hand experiences of life’s magic to live well. But the effort required in discovering or creating a genuine metamorphosis in overstimulated metropolis environments where many of us dwell, becomes out of reach. The feat of keeping our emotions intact in atmosphere’s where the nervous system remains on edge is an accomplishment in itself. So existing with chronically low energy, but still wanting novelty, we grab for the addicting & instantly gratifying sources of dopamine. & simultaneously, we move ourselves out of alignment with our inclinations to deal with the dualistic outcomes of change. Refusing to embrace the dance, we put our heads deep into the sand of ignorance causing anxiety. 

So what’s the solution to turning these burnt pots into malleable clay once again as they were when we were children? The answer I’ve come up with is rest. Have you noticed how flexible you are in all aspects when your mind & body is fully rested? When was the last time you’ve felt truly at ease? It’s probably been quite some time. Too long ago for you to remember. But I’m sure you’ve had moments where you’ve awakened feeling at least refreshed on a rare morning & were ready to take on the world. To bend, but not break with the flow of change.  & your natural creativity seems to be an unending force to surmount every obstacle, & enjoy even the smallest moments. It’s a graceful, quiet superpower that’s been overshadowed by our modern lifestyles. Amongst all the noise we invite into our lives, not even realizing that sound is perhaps the greatest stimulant, we lose sight of the signal. A way of being that is attuned to the stability & ingenuity of the cosmos. Silence, I believe, is the way to internal prosperity that inevitably reflects into outer wealth overtime. We may not think of quietness as a resource, but it's as valuable, if not more, than silver & gold. & it is truly in short supply. But for those who are determined to remove themselves from noise, towards pockets of serenity, greatness in their life is ensured. The very foundation of creation, of change, is silence. If this immovable & boundless resource of which we all have access too is relied upon instead of instantly gratifying snacks of all kinds, I guarantee you will move from a mediocre, addicted & constrained life, to one that is profoundly explorative & filled with strength. You will be able to voyage through the waves of life & no longer be afraid to set sail because silence gives you the integrity to release your anchor. To detach from the checkpoints you hold dear. To let go of stagnation caused by chains you have placed upon a pedestal & embellished with gold. If you decide to look for less stimulation, as opposed to more, your moment by moment experience will become a conscious vessel for change itself. Its rolling tides will include a familiar sense of an inviting dynamic zeal as opposed to a reluctant, chilling fear. 

Try as hard as you might to transform through constant noise, it will not work. Human life, just as an oak tree, takes a great deal of undisturbed time to develop properly. If you find yourself pushing without making progress, it’s time to submit to how things work. Create a quiet temple for your mind, & patiently observe what life’s bounty will deliver to you. Best of luck along your journey towards the riches within.


Peak Or Platform


On Breaking Conformity