The Wisdom Of Waiting

The most disruptive phenomena of human experience is instant gratification because not only does it interrupt a coherent flow of mood, it creates gradual addiction that heavily dismantles ones operating system by distorting the perception of value & goal orientation. In addiction, one can completely forget the sense of what sustains & improves life. The only target becomes the next high with periods of despair & confusion in between. The only cure is learning to wait & delay gratification; to not be in frivolous, but a significant pursuit that takes extended time to unfold & fall back into meditation between each achievement. Instant gratification creates the illusion of accomplishment & demotivates one to act towards higher goals because they appear to be worthless to the state of an overly excited reward system. Indulging in any sort of these low hanging fruits that spiral into addictions is ultimately the highest form of self betrayal & results in the lowest forms of self esteem. Everyone's plan, unconsciously or consciously, is to evolve. It is the kosmic agenda. So if you directly contradict this & act towards your devolvement, you continually cut the branch you sit on.

Nothing of greatness can be manifested in a hurry. But so few of us are willing to wait as long as it takes to bring desires from the realm of subtle thought to the dense one of Earth. & in this impatience, the flow of desire itself does not yield, so what we end up receiving are cheap replicas of the original signal we broadcasted into the universe. In this reception, although we were given something, we are also greeted with restlessness because our soul understands this is of lower quality than what we know we could have achieved if we had just been more patient. But how hard is it for this simplicity of waiting to do for one whose bloodstream is filled with added sugar & their mind filled with short form content that scrambles their neurons. What's easy seems difficult & what's difficult seems impossible. & the impossibility to the meditative one is yet another revelation that will inevitably be uncovered by their concentration across space time. To the one who knows that waiting isn't a matter of time spent, but the mode of one's character to withstand the pure intensity of stillness where one thinks nothing of his or herself in a process of weaving with existence. The entirety of what life has to offer is awarded to the patient observer whose ego is evaporated by the majesty of universal information, while only fragments are tossed to the hurried that are intolerant of divine clockwork.


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