Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

The Blossoming Of Grown Women

Beyond the psychological security system of a grown woman, lies the charm of an innocent girl. & though she can appear troublesome to the man whose grown rigid with his misguided lust for social power, her whimsy proves to be more valuable than gold to the man who knows how to hold the intense expression of femininity. In my experience, I see perhaps the most pure & successful romantic dynamic between a man & a woman is like that of a father to daughter. But the "child" is a playful oracle full of wisdom as opposed to aimless immaturity. A man whose become sensitive & stable enough to invite this fruitful dance in his life can read the tea leaves of a woman's heart & know her in between the lines. For the daughter is a living metaphor for the father to protect & decode & enhance his ability to witness & interpret. Just as the subconscious is a living metaphor for the observer to decode as it arises from the endless unknown depths of one's own mind. & upon this subtle flowering of innocent charm, a man must take notice, & become even more stable, yet flexible within himself to cultivate the phenomena’s delicate magic. At his opening, if he behaves with a heavy hand, the fire will be stomped out. The clam will shut & she will hide her pearl of wisdom that is only revealed by her consent. It cannot be forced open through an authoritative demeanor. It is not like a boulder to be muscled out of the way. It is like a highly perceptive cobra that must be serenaded out of its camouflage with a skillful flute: a sensitive, winding energy that appears in a beautiful fashion only by hearing the right notes at the right time. & the risk of conjuring a force of nature such as this that can be both as enchanting as a rainbow & as dangerous as a lightning storm that came before it, is all apart of its value that requires preparation to engage with. Not just any man with a strong body & a handsome face can access the oracle. He may receive other gifts of lower qualities from her, but the greatest offerings will remain hidden. a Human being is only as perceptive as they are lubricated. & it is perception alone that opens the doors of the Universe to us. So, it is therefore the greatest power one can cultivate. A smooth man whose integrated his feminine side then, not a brute, is the one who opens a women’s heart to reveal the girl who gladly submits to his influential skill. & this initiation of minimal friction propels a relationship of timeless love & discovery that bewilders the common man whose stuck with the archaic idea of dominance being the key to wholesome wealth.

Now, let's travel deeper. When a grown woman falls in love with a grown man who ensures her safety, she enters into a trance beyond time. From there, upon asking her careful questions, she will give him the keys to the Universe provided she is given unwavering solar energy from the man: not as the person who appears before him, but as a representative of Energy itself. But most men, in their prolonged adolescence enabled in part by the foolish oppression of women, do no reach this phase of accessing profound wisdom. Nor do they actually desire to because they do not have the infrastructure to consistently take on the responsibility of dealing her “luna(tic)” behavior that comes along with it. Meaning, they do not have the capacity to be the Sun to her Moon (which is where the world luna comes from) & its many phases. & this signifies only the man's inability or unwillingness to uncover & bring to rest his own “lunatic”, his own anima, that he hides from the world & himself which manifests in odd outbursts & desires for social control. Before a grown woman's wisdom is expounded upon, she must reach a vibration of intense resonance within the relationship. & this can only come with the pronounced phases of her nature that reflect the flow of the Universe itself. So her chaos is not something to curtail, but something to cultivate with an unyielding reverence.

One can discern the health of a nation based upon how its women are treated. & the degradation of western society is merely a symbol, a lagging indicator, of mishandling this fundamental relationship. Man knows only how to treat Life with the same level of skill with which he knows how to treat women. & in fact, a grown woman is not supposed to behave within the narrow views of what is considered sane: to fit neatly inside the tight regiments of a man's world. If she has no opportunity to behave like a “lunatic”, like the Moon, then she has no opportunity to live. & know that the Moon keeps the Earth, the land of fertility, in its proper place to continue producing its ancient abundance. So demanding a woman be emotionally flatlined is the same as commanding her to die. Slowly, but surely. & the man who continually releases his solar energy through engaging in frivolous pursuits, degenerates into behaving like the Moon himself. He will wander through unnatural phases to misunderstand & destabilize the way of the woman. He wants her to stay the same because he is constantly changing. It is not a desire for construction, but of manipulation to cope with his internal conflict. But even in these backwards roles, the Sun & Moon must be present to sustain the relationship. So in her compassion, she attempts to be like the Sun. But she cannot sustain it because that is not her natural position. This system may last for a time, but the sheer inefficiency of energy exchange will cause it to collapse. What is naturally engineered to be a source of regeneration becomes an ordeal for both. However, if the man made consciousness, the source of Light, what he revolved his attention around instead of hoping his unlawful actions of a vampiric agenda will somehow defy physics & work in his favor, he will naturally become like the unfazed Sun. & the Moon, as a response to the lead, takes its frictionless orbit back into balance to continue moving within its timeless geometric path.

This, my friends, is the only way I have found to rekindle the power of uniting the traditional romantic relationship between men & women. If you've found another, do tell me what you've learned. Our civilization’s wellbeing depends upon it.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

There Is No Work Life Balance

The scattered concept of a "work life balance” is perhaps the most absurd claim of our culture: that somehow, there is a dichotomy between the way one lives & the way they exert effort to produce a desired result. It is the energy of life itself that empowers the work to begin with. Its activity, therefore, is an essential & sacred aspect of humanity. But to the misfortune of the Earth & ignorance of the body's sensitivities, many millions of individuals are working on tasks that aren't serving the upliftment of either. This forces a sensitive being to break from this distorted form of work so finally the living can begin.

Common sense reveals that continuity of experience is paramount; & ones work is ultimately contained within one's life in an interwoven dance of experience. One should support the other, not be repelled. The former arrangement creates natural competence & joy. Whereas the latter creates an unnecessary ordeal & a schizophrenic world view that plagues our society today. Having a balance between work & rest is sensible. But of work & life is insane. The most powerful distraction of maturity due to its immense social support is to working on detours of life, & then have to remember its value in the "off" time. In effect, this dismissive behavior is to disrespect the very tool one depends upon to complete the work itself. So with more time spent in its process, the more degraded ones experience becomes as a whole. Hence the infamous association with work in general. Most dread what they do because it drags their body closer to the grave instead of strengthening it through sensible exercise. There is a distinct difference between the joy of exerting effort, & the debilitation of enduring pain. Effort is not painful. Misalignment is. In fact, the wise expense of energy is the maintenance & growth of vitality. But channeled in an unnatural direction against the way of original design, is a gradual destruction of self that inevitably finds its way into the environment & the communities of all species within it. Man destroys forests only because he has first destroyed himself through the dumb affairs he carries out on a daily basis.

The fundamental reward of intelligent work is ultimately an improved vessel one can live with. The widget is merely a byproduct that can be bought & sold. With each swing of the axe, the tree may not be chopped, but the strength of the arms & skill with the blade increases. The bonus is the wood & rush of released gratification whose well of emotional nourishment was delayed until its bursting forth from within at the right moment after diligent, intriguing, & adapting effort has been acted out. But if with each swing, a portion of a man's muscle tears that are weaved to his destabilizing emotion, nothing but a broken human & half baked work will be the result of this poor process. & if a man does not have the fire within his soul to operate a position that requires intensity to perform well like all fulfilling ones do; if he's fatigued upon punching the clock, then he's sure to be burnt by the work rather than his flame being the light of the many candles that must be lit along the path to achievement.

People throughout history have given their lives to work on what aligns with their story; & those tales that do no match the dreams of one's mind have the power to drain one of psychological will if they are worked on. To manifest a project without grasping its context is like being dropped in a strange land without knowing the location of where one came from before, & why the journey took place to begin with. Therefore, interpreting a course or even considering a reasonably organized future ahead is an impossibility. This is the inception of despair: a mental disorientation of purposeful life being on one timeline, & mechanical work being on another, if not abruptly, gradually pulls the psyche apart into fragments until its whole becomes unrecognizable by the individual. One cannot evolve in any direction if the very base of memory that's used to synthesize an innovative plan of adventure is split into dissonant pieces. In this farce of a good life, one abides in a constant state of analysis, of identifying concepts in a vacuum without a vision as to how this practice seeped in frivolity aids the cultivation of relevance: the key component of holistic quality elevation.

At the grand scheme, this misguided practice of a "work life balance" that drives people to psych wards is the vain attempt to split one consciousness into two. Each with their own personality that never communicate with each other to find common ground. The momentum of prosperity cannot exist if one's form changes every eight hours. The gold medalist sprinter has made the track his place of work & his life enhancing incubus. Such is the same for the five star chef who experiences the kitchen as a playground & an arena to nurture his passion & self mastery. The a-list actor dreams about their role in the depths of their sleep & awakes the next day energized to improve the play as a whole. These masters demonstrate devotion to their craft which creates predictability of competence to receive corresponding long term rewards as a side effect of their iterative experiments. But for the man who works in a cold office detached from the flow of nature as he deals with abstractions & social structures that only appear in the silo that present themselves nowhere outside the tight borders; when he comes home to try & embrace his family with emotional warmth in attempts to remember the dynamics of life, he & his family will find he's missed the mark. The robotic tendencies which allow him to succeed in a synthetic environment do not translate into the real one. How can a man remove the corporate mask he wore for as along as the sunlight was visible, & put on the kinship mask in a thirty minute drive home through the maze of machines operated by others who are just as cold; & then somehow find rest in his confusing headroom only to prepare for the cold the next morning & be a sane, competent human being? He cannot. It would in fact hurt his progress at work if he were to consider life while on the job. It's far more beneficial, in this two faced situation, to suppress authentic dreams so one’s attention can focus on handling the endless minutia.

In this process, one can easily lose their soul with enough repetition. A soul, however, that can be regained by developing an non-entertained, coherent sense of vision & creating a schedule that enriches the whole. To live well, you do not need to betray your humanity. You must lean more into it, & let its natural ability to connect seemingly unrelated dots into a unified communication happen to the point where the entire system makes sense. You need not divide your way of life to prosper; you need only paint the one mosaic of your life's work. More than anything, the world needs collected human beings whose detailed & vast perspectives align. It takes courage to feel & think & speak & act your way into harmony across the space & time of your life. But the universe itself is assisting you if you listen. If you learn to simply be quiet & observant as you reach attunement to the present, you will find instead of being influenced by the fragmenting messages of society, you will be molded by the natural infrastructure of the natural, multibillion year old system that all forms of life abide in. Truly, all is one; & all agrees. It's just that when attention is taken away into the countless artificial systems of civilization, it appears to be scattered: a mere illusion that loses its grip on your energy the moment you release investing in its temptation. Refuse to be distracted from your natural way of seeing, & your view back to Nature will be revealed.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

People Pleasing Doesn’t Work

Before a soul matures into the birthright of pioneer-ship, if ever, they will continually succumb to the safety of pleasing other people who they believe provide them safety out of the base instinct for self-preservation. Whether its conscious or unconscious, an individual will make choices not of their own, but powered by the undercurrent of information they sense deep within their nervous system from silent signals in their social environment. Even if one is charting their own path, the responsibility of making their own order out of air is a daunting task which will drive the sapling to venture off into the establishments of others; even if its in their best interest not to do so. Because what one will receive is not only a false sense of community that the mind craves (even if it isn’t real), meaning a group of people who give the individual attention, judgemental attention, but still attention nonetheless that serves to stabilize the personality, they will receive unspoken rules as to how to achieve success in the world. But not the world at large, simply the one fragment of that world they sensed in that one version of tribe. One does not consider that this tribe gained success because they conformed to the tamed laws of the government in which they exist, because that thought is far too subtle to invite when dozens of people in their surroundings appear to have made it somewhere. The place, is not entirely clear, but it is established by an interest group. & that’s what matters to the subconscious. Whereas the maverick looks to be a fool due to his genius having barely grown yet. But know that birds flock to a tree only after it reaches maturity; & Noah's ark was built on flat ground before any sign of a flood was available to the community senses as the motivation to produce the structure came only through intuition.

So the "tribe" of one who builds from the ground, in the very beginning which proves to be the most challenging time to remain consistent, must only be his inner resonance that is likely to rebel against authority. Not because he has a disdain for their buildings, but simply because he hears the call of a different order. An order that may appear absolutely crazy to tradition, but massively sane to the one whose received the blueprint. & the price of obeying the cues seen through the senses and not the ones felt from beyond them, is the distinct reward of humiliation: of having broken trust with one's guide and knowing fully well that's what happened. This depression, although momentary, stings with a purifying pain that has the power to send one back into the alignment they were already walking in.

At times, it's difficult to tell if the pioneer is doing well because they have two things that are in their favor if they are sensitive, & aid their confusion if they are not: chaos & balance. If one is sensitive to chaos, they will see it as the source of their material to lay the next brick of their temple. If something without precedent is built, that must mean the material & the way that builds it is unprecedented as well. In knowing this, chaos becomes one's best friend instead of the source of their fear. If you aren't sensitive enough to the void itself, it's likely you will attempt to fill it with imaginations of demise to send yourself in a circle because you are unknowingly controlled by the cyclical movement of the solar system. It will take you on a ride if you have no will of your own. & this is the world’s way of maintaining its balance. But some talented pioneers having traveled into chaos without meeting their demise have obviously achieved some kind of balance that 's apparent from the outside, though they themselves admit they haven't a clue what they are doing: the true mark of being led by Grace. This balance, however, is weightless by its nature so if one isn't sensitive enough, it can easily go unnoticed giving one the ideas to do something a little different of their path because they feel confident. & with this ignorance, a grave mistake relative to their journey can be made that creates a setback in their momentum they didn't even realize they had. This is where self humiliation comes: the reminder that one was actually doing quite well in the recent past, & that they must continue what they were doing, even when their building has no mentor to consult with so they seek the validation of others who walk the same Earth they do.

By sheer osmosis of being in the company of others who know nothing of the pioneer’s work, the trailblazer can lose the trail simply because he positioned himself amongst the wrong people. Not evil people. Just those who are in a different phase of life & different plane of consciousness. One may feel on track, & after a quick detour will awake the next day with ideas not of their own volition, but of the collective desires of the group they associated with. Just as children, we still, as adults, watch what people do & how they are far more than what they say. So if you are this person whose striving to become an established pioneer, & you also find you're sabotaging your progress without knowing why, you may be subconsciously influenced by the primal desires of wanting to fit in to survive, & the energetic information of the company you keep.

Lions do not hang around gazelles for reasons we all know. It is not that one despises the other, it is simply that Nature designed them to play different roles upon the grand universal stage, which requires certain training & continued behavior of each species to thrive. If the lion attempted to please the gazelle, he would starve to death, though he has the ability & biological obligation to hunt one down. If the gazelle attempted to please the lion his tremendous speed would be unused & he would face a pathetic end. You see, both need each other to exercise their will so not just the species can be well, but so the entire ecosystem can remain strong. A polite lion & an out-of-shape gazelle is not much of a savannah! So you must look at yourself, your strengths & weaknesses & not be afraid to use one & work on the other. This practice is not about self aggrandizement, but about the sustainment of the entirety of life. Iron sharpens iron; & faltering to the unconscious state of blindly pleasing another is like trying to sharpen iron with plastic.

It doesn't work.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

Philosophize Your Way To Mastery

Philosophy is the practice of assessing qualities; of which there are endless kinds throughout the known universe. It is a tool to build mental maps for navigation. But merely documenting it’s words is only half the pursuit. The other is to act upon what’s been written, & allow existence to test one’s might in their ability to use symbolism to point with either failure or accuracy at the reality before one’s eyes. To help us with this incredible task, we luckily have the mind on our side: an ancient instrument that took billions of years to develop from Life's origin. It's nature in its purest, unhurried form is far more advanced & organized than we know. For this reason, even if one is a fool, if they allow themselves to philosophize for at least 30 minutes in a focused line of thought, they will undoubtedly follow its stream to Genius. But the wise man can baboon his way into stupidity in just the same time. On any subject one engage's with, it should be carefully considered by them so the meaning can become conscious. Otherwise their actions are baseless & bound for suffering in the near or far future because the sand-like foundation of their products is sure to crumble. & the quickest, most radical way to stabilize into the integrity filled philosophical life is to decide to only trust your own interpretations of your experience without a single external opinion influencing your judgment. In this test of intellectual strength, one is forced to question, find hypocrisies, & refine their own thinking & face the full weight of carrying out the buildings of their thought because they've removed any form of a psychological safety net. One may stumble in the beginning, but they walk upon the path of mastery.

The student of any art, after studying under the masters, will eventually desire to become one themself, which requires them to relate their teachers as equals. If in their perception, the teachers are above their Genius, they will never have the courage & insight to uncover it. So the transition from pupil to contemporary begins with curiosity & skill, & ends with an inward decision to advance. Even if a degree is awarded from an outside institution, the ability to apply the teachings & even surpass them comes from the choice to do so. The student of one year can reach mastery before the student of ten solely because of the conviction of their skill. In mimicry, there is always a limitation of potential as the unique blossoming of one's creativity remains restricted: an important measure when inside a school to prevent deviating from the basics. But if a nuanced technique isn't developed by the apprentice to compliment their own seed, they will stay a sapling. Just as the musician must hear & compose their own song to unveil their sonic power & contribute their best work to society, & the sprinter must take their own strides to attain glory upon the track, & the photographer must release the images that moved them to forge their own, all in a commitment to reach alignment within their soul, so must the philosopher provide themself the favor to finally think from & for themself to navigate the world as best they can. The only alternative is misalignment & stagnation. & though even this can be good if the student chose quality teachers, it will never be great. Their style will never be whole to sustain & grow their affinity for the art, & the impact they will have upon an audience who depends on an evolving character to evolve themselves.

Words are simply the symbolic wake of ones Life force. They contain the power to make a person see what they did not; even if it was right before their eyes. They have the power to build & destroy & the one who wields them with wisdom & creativity from trusting their education & instinct is sure to live a blessed, vigorous life throughout their pioneering journey across space & time.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

Men, Women, Relationships, Time, & Earth

For both a man & a woman to manifest upon our planet, it requires the cooperative ingredients from both a man, & a woman. So, within the man, there are characteristics of a woman. Within the woman, there are characteristics of a man. The denial of this natural composition through the senselessness of suppression is the precursor to chronic disease that plagues the society we live in today. The desire to lean towards one pole or the other, regardless of context, is to adopt a rigid mask that will break against the actual fluidity of Life. The man who embraces his mother that flows through him, & the woman who embraces her father that flows through her, allowing them both express themselves through the intelligence of their own individuality based upon the current setting, is not to be weak or deceitful. It’s to be balanced & in harmony with natural behavior as opposed to incongruent beliefs. Those who pin their character to a single concept attempt to turn themselves into a digit: a binary code of repetitive & unresponsive expression that acknowledges only the narrow view of their perspective designed by a paradigm of domination that misunderstands (& therefore fears) the dualism of Nature. The search for power over gender, rather than the cultivation of both builds psychological, societal, cultural, & economic imbalance that flows into the destabilization of the environment that supports these pivotal arenas of human activity. The men who are committed to nurturing “the woman within them” will surely have reverence for growing themselves as a whole, & therefore the relationships that surround & sustain them. The women who are committed to nurturing “the man within them” will surely have the strength to protect themselves as a whole, & therefore the relationships that surround & sustain them. The culturally ignored truth of character fluidity between traditionally recognized gender traits heals the fragmentation of an individual’s energy. This brings their mind & purpose of Life together in clear view.

To voyage through the ocean upon a ship, there must be both a hull to contain a steady form, & sails that change by the impression of the wind to propel the vessel along an evolutionary path. Without one or the other, the ship either sinks or stagnates. Though our culture propagates that conceptual goals are paramount, truth reveals that these are merely a means. The ends are not static, isolated points in spacetime which do not exist. But the dynamic process of relationships. It doesn’t matter if the captain of the ship has a burning desire to reach the next port if his vehicle’s parts are in poor relation. He won’t make it. & even when he does, he will be met with something else he must relate to. Life is a cooperation of activity. When this orientation takes shape in one’s mind, they can finally see & accept Life’s behavior as it is & flow with its circular order. 

The false perception of linear time creates silos of focus towards an actually moving target that can never be pinned. All that is possible is to perceive a flow & join it. This synchronization with energy in motion that requires the balance of masculinity & femininity is “the point” in itself. 

A force that cannot die, that cannot stop, must move in a pendulum: an equilateral wave to balance & sustain its existence. So, for a man to sustain his Life energy, he must oscillate his expression from a masculine bent to a feminine one. & if he truly is alive & awake, Life will send him into novel citations by his desire to travel in mind & Earth that will naturally cause him to shift from one pole to another within himself to support the various changes of context. A woman, for the same reasons, will flow from femininity to masculinity & back again to sustain her overall Life energy as well. This is why, if one has not realized this to perform the energy work on their own, perceive romance as not an accessory, but as an absolute requirement to maintain their health. The process of seeking one’s opposite is ultimately to experience, with the aid of catalyst, the end aim of dynamic harmony. The only alternative is illness. 

If the memorization of intellectual concepts dictates behavior rather than the observation of context, this fundamental knowledge will be obscured by emphasizing the map over the territory which will never align. One’s entire energetic, psychological, & behavioral structure must adapt to fit the place one finds themselves on Earth. The ignorance of this results in profound levels of stubbornness & ultimately the destruction of the individual for biting the hand that feeds them. This intuitive ability of Life’s fluidity accounts for the incredible diversity of human culture, plants, & animal species throughout the history of Earth that’s kept our home regulated for millions of years. But in today’s age, instead of using our intelligence to flow with the land’s behavior, we have created our own environments with such sophistication that we can survive without setting a foot in the wild; & naturally activity will develop that’s incongruent with the actual fuel that supports the synthetic land but has been forgotten by people who are entire generations removed from the original circumstance. In this stage where the energetic, psychological, & behavioral structures of individuals have adopted distorted forms to harmonize with a distorted land, the poor relations & understanding of men & women are merely a byproduct of a much larger root issue of humanity’s divorce from our intimacy with Earth. Our common sense, that comes from connection to the land, dissolves into oblivion along with it. 

The fundamental psychological deviation from this separation of place is the inaccurate concept of linear time: where Life begins & ends full stop. Because Life’s behavior is cyclical, this distorted perception of a linear passage creates an attitude of scarcity, isolation, & restlessness because the abundance of regeneration brought by inclusion is missed. The response to this from an intelligent Life form who can influence its environment could only be domination of others & accumulation of resources for disproportionate growth relative to other species upon the planet. This extreme effort is not out of enjoyment. It’s compelled by the fear of death that’s mistaken as the finale as opposed to a transition. In linearity, one’s relationships can only form into competition where the most efficient way to win is to crush “the enemy”. & with enough fear, this species has the power to form languages, weapons, & entire cultures of imperialism that bombard Earth because all others wouldn’t even conceive of conquest as a possibility due to their acknowledgement of interdependence. Linear views cannot see the circle of Life, only the goal; & will naturally prioritize it stopping at nothing to achieve the objective. From this perspective, the cycles, diversity, & inclusion–the rich subjectivity of living experience–are all a means to an end. To the conquistador, the land is a means to material wealth. Women are a means to societal power. Both of these Life forms will eventually swing back to humble this one one whose thoughts became larger than the place where he thinks them.

This vain attempt at eliminating uncertainty robs one of the creativity to participate sensibly in the flow of events as they manifest themselves. The same chaos that one attempts to control is the evolutionary force of infinite novelty. The act of coercion prevents the power of wielding an energy that cannot be owned, only involved with. There is an endless abundance of resources beyond the limitations of what we could bend to our will that we can learn to share company with. We do not own fire, but we must cooperate with its heat & light to stay warm & see clearly. Men do not own women. Women do not own men. But we must share each other's wisdom, beauty, & fertility to allow humanity to rise again. If a man controls a woman’s whimsy, & a woman controls a man’s aggression, the tree of union will not bear fruit. The unpredictability is the fuel; if its inevitable behavior is accepted to reveal opportunities that can be confused as problems to the conquer’s eye.

The way things are, contradictions do not exist; there are only different paths to evolve where each musn't be hindered by the other to advance. For each individual, there is always an opening of unique resonance that may or may not work for others. If it does or doesn’t it matters not as every human being has membership to access Life. A variety of doors & keys are distributed among us that manifest as styles of activity; & the master key is holistic participation as it is the prerequisite of knowledge. 

To dominate is to close one’s eyes. To embrace is to open them.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

Living Beyond Competition

Know that when you search for the opinions of another person or robot to remain “on track”, you at the same time neglect the responsibility & skill to do the mental work to discover your own line of Reason. This is an excercise that will most likely take only several minutes longer than searching for an instant, wonder breaded answer, & it keeps your individuality intact with its own velocity. A single soul in competition isn't one, but many forces at once. & each have their own direction. Abiding in this scattered state for too long will create the energtic situation of tying one's limbs to four seperate horses who gallop apart. Eventually, one's psyche will snap. This behavior ensures the muscle of constructive thought will break as the ability to uniquely detect Pattern is lost by layers of encryption in the form of external measurements against oneself. Reality reveals that man isn’t a monolith, but a decentralized play of sequences where one must decide which flute they will follow with the Heart as their snake charmer. The future of each Soul is inside them alone. 

In the end, one's Life must only make Sense to them to be valuable. & what greater source of Sense is there than one's native language? If it truly is subpar, then Nature will select the innovation to either be adjusted in response to undesirable outcomes, or perish due to sudden death probably caused by stupidity which the careful Eye would never allow. The thinker need not check with the people to the left & the right of them as they are subject to the same Ruler. It's far wiser & more efficient to present one's findings before the kosmic Teacher in experimentation, & not to the students one sits next to within the class of Humanity.

Reasonable thinking & writing is like silent Music. Instead of the ear drums that are stricken with harmonious notes, it is instead the psyche that's touched by the subtle emotions of organized Word. One who learns the art of composing sentences not only moves themselves, but others into a spell of their making. Such is the same for the musician who compels their audience to dance to the rythm of their beat, or the photographer who sparks reflection in the mind of the viewer with their composition of color, light, & shadow.

There is Style that flows through the current of every philosopher, artist, scientist, doctor, & lover that if found in one field of work can be used in every other with equal levels of quality once the basics are understood. This same Style that andean condors use to soar amongst the clouds, black panthers use to sprint across the savanna, & giant manta rays use to glide through the ocean is what organizes the Life of all individuals to walk the tightrope of their own Thread. This is the innate discipline one can use to know when they are progressing or veering off even when there's no one to verify their actions. The question isn't "how does this look?", but "is this my technique?" If your curiosity is directed to the former, you may take a few steps foward but you will soon run out of a clear path & not know where to turn because you rented the Eye of another who is incapable of Being with you the entire journey. They too have adventures to embark on. But if your inquiry is channeled to the latter, you can take steps until exhaustion because you've made both the traveler & the authority your Self: the only One who can't leave. Wherever you go, there you are. So you might as well learn your Style so you can drive your vehicle the way you enjoy, not to race someone else & oscillate your attention quickly back & forth. Once you do, there's no going back to the confusion from which you came.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

An Illustration Of Love

Two are but halves of One.

When you are truly in Love with someone, it's resonance is like the Sun: constant, warm, & self sustaining. It isn't dependent upon the others presence or their reciprocation. There is no uncertainty of how long it will last, & there is no fear of it disappearing abruptly as its build was gradual. It's clarifying, stable, & serene: something that you'll want to keep within yourself to avoid dispersing it with too much expression which is only an immature infatuation that fades in due time. Love does not boast or attempt to prove itself. Its radiance is self evident: like the granduer of a mountain that does not speak, although its raw power can be sensed by those who look close enough. It is not in the quantity or intensity of one's gestures, but in the subtle, sincere, & focused way they are done. It coats one's entire life in how they speak, how they stand, how they breathe, & how they look. The eyes of one in Love are pure: exposed to the openness of their Heart. There is no sense of defense. There is only the willingness to touch; to explore deeper into the surrender of profound, consistent emotion that bypasses the intellect's reasoning. Analytical thought will only destroy its potent delicacy & its message will be fragmented. It is a holistic design of approaching oneself, their lover, & Life. Even when inevitable dissapointment comes of this Sacred feeling being disrespected by the other, as we all become fatigued & forgetful at times, there is no desire for revenge. There is only a therapeutic concern for the other's well being. Its Divine compassion sees beyond the superficial patterns to notice the underlying current it isn't afraid to observe. Its perception is keen & borderlines prophetic insight about the beloved & the course of the relationship. Its accurate predictions cannot be disturbed by external judgements because its concentration is stronger than flickering impulses from those who've never tasted its cohesive sensation. In Love, there is no rush because its connection is beyond distance & time. The signal of both people resides in the other. Even after a stimulating day, in the quiet hours of the night its Music can be heard. Its song never ends though it can be veiled by passing loudness. When all is released in rest, revealing most as visitors who exit through the open door, the lover is who stays because they have found not their hotel, but their home. The place where they intentionally let their roots settle beneath the surface to slowly mature their emotional plant from a sapling to a grown tree that produces ripe fruit for decades to come.

For the one who has trapped themselves by the cage of self defense, this process of integration appears to be an invader that seeks to disrupt their personal landscape. But to the one who has quelled their insecurity, it's simply the natural Music of Love where one's conscioussness graduates into the experience of containing another living process other than their previous solopsistic pysche. One's heart realizes it can hold the presence of two. At the same time, the other does as well in a synchronized harmony. From here, a third meta person is born that resembles the real relationship. This is a Genius level vehicle of expression that guides both indivudals on how to remain together through the ups & downs of Life that test everyone's will. When the ups come, of ourse it's easy to enjoy the ride & there isn't an immediate need to hear the Genius. But when the downs come, & the temptation to abandon the ride arises from losing sight of the in-visible shared reality, this is when both must be quiet enough to hear the whispering instructions of the Genius that never fails to correct the course back to stability. The pain of "breaking up", which at an energetic level is impossible, for shallow reaons from a deep bond like this hurts immensely on purpose. Its stabs to the Heart are a director to turn around & be accountable for what's been built. Love is not for the faint of Heart who leave a back door open, negotiating with themselves to escape when they are spooked by being witness to things beyond expectation. It is only for those with steadfast courage & emotional intelligence who are prepared to be on the entire ride; & not just the parts they prefer. It is a practice of Devotion: to be devoid of any tendencies of self aggrandizement one held dear that must be sacrificed to experience Love's magnititude. The person one was before must be turned to ashes by the Sun & be reborn into a pheonix of inspiration. Transformation is part of the deal. Love is alive & ever evolving. So those who desire its responsibility must be awake enough to stay intune with its wondrous magic that heals all wounds as 

two are but halves of One.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

Longing, Compulsion, & Yoga

The difference between a long-ing & a com-puls-ion is one endures, the other pulsates. One is equanimous, the other is erratic. One is remembered, the other is easily forgotten. To invest in balance or conflict is the choice of everyone.

In the vain search of belonging, the intelligent being will adopt the compulsions of others in their vicinity, & abandon the unique genius they were gifted with that makes them feel like an outsider. But what's beyond the village is not death; it is a profound space to invite greater levels of self awareness one can use to lead their own Life, & even those of others. Even if you love someone, their insight & love only should influence you, not the thrills of their restless behavior. Know that if you are not at rest, then your state of rush means you've become a slave to a foreign program. If everyone around you is indulging in the tones of hedonism, you remain still & watch your experience yield to supreme peace. Yes, the temptations to mirror their ways will come, but they will go just as quickly as the tempest swelled within you. The flash of lightning is but a passing ripple in the lake's quietude. To be socialized, or timeless is in our hands.

Sadhana is heartbreaking because on the way to join the eternal light of awarness, the compulsions one held dear evaporate one after another in a painful process of withdrawal. But during the elevation, it occurs to the witness that the methods one thought they needed to keep themselves together were just the fruits of arrogance. These mentally imaged nations placed a veil over the insight that approaching wholeness consciously through Yoga is truly the only way Life has offered. Hell, the place our minds fear the most, isn't a pit of immortal fire beneath the Earth's crust. It is the heat of one's own impulses consuming their ability to see & choose the quality of their Life. The conscious being is flame proof to all vices inside & out because this one finds safety not in false idols that provide directions to detours of lower planes, but within the one provider of clarity that reveals the straight path up.

To the addicted, releasing the support of intoxications they were misled to be needs appears to be a loss: a lowering of one's state. But the keen eye shows the simple state of open sobriety was the beginning & all one has ever been. From here, the truth of vices becomes clear that their ability to solve oneself is illusory. Their corrpution is founded by the repeated experiences of suffering when they don't work. & after the grief of reorienting to sense has been accepted, one realizes what they've gained is sincere connection with Life & not just passing, clever schemes of short term pleasure. In this profound knowing, there is an unshakable serenity as the door of past counterfeit relief has closed for good. So Yoga cannot be faked. It can only be practiced.

Life created the things we indulge in, but they are only a fraction of the complete. & the Supreme awaits in its spacious domain to greet those who finally turn inward towards its nonphysical fulfillment: the only resource that works in bringing our souls to rest. What leads us astray from the paramount value of oneness, are the physical possessions & knowledge we cling to. In the eyes of existence, accumulation is senseless as it disturbs the signal of Wisdom that contains natural information congruent with the arrangement of Life. But if one is hypnotized into trusting their records over their Eye for navigation, they will ascribe the words above to be insanity as they abide in the psych wards of occupations, schools, & families many confuse to be home; even when their heart isn't there. The toys Life created to amuse the intellect are merely tests of distractions to overcome to earn the Sacred state as only those with a consistently sharp vision can gain entry & maintain the position. The trial & errors of our lives are refiners of observation that call us to look deeper with each engagement. To perservere through the threshold of illusions & clarify our self awareness is Life's curriculum for us. Those who pass receive & exist as a timeless value. Those who struggle or attempt to escape are anyway on their way home as no child gets left behind. If they must be dragged back to truth, then so be it. & though they don't believe in themselves yet due to too much misinformed expression that causes inner dissaray, Life will attempt again & again to drive this point home with lesson after painful lesson. When there's nowhere else to find shelter from God's reign, one is forced towards the Kingdom within where their Heart is at long last actualized.

The price to pay for boastfulness is inescapable; & exhaustion from the self inflicted ordeal finally leads one to rest & reside in space where the mirror of their Eye delivers the darkenss they wasted so much strength to hide to the forefront of the firmament of their mind. Here, the healing process can begin & end to produce a reborn being of light.The proud try to stop the unstoppable force of evolution is the arrogance of expression & cause of suffering. To surrender to the boundless power of transformation is to gracefully accept the fact that sins were commited so one can finally see for themselves first the error, & then the solution. The ephemeral hardship matters not as all things shall pass. 

Ultimately, the lesson is realizing emotional resonance is far more valuable than intellectual prowess because Life's language is energy. Symbols are just shadows of the now. It is true that competence of thought carries a level of resonance; but it pales in comparison to the vast sensitivities of affectionate texure. & with an honest look, one will see the underlying motivation of demonstrating mental gymnastics is an energetic outcome anyway. That is the present we all seek. & the sooner one understands this, the sooner they can mature beyond the cages that bind them.

The intellect is the servant of energy. Both are enlightened by attention. This is the order of Yoga; which means


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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

The Choice Of Manhood

The man who betrays his own vision for the voices he hears outside is but a grown boy without a compass who waxes & wanes with the waves of the world & disrespects the kingdom within. His foundation is like sand that changes the base of everything he builds which soon falls back into the fragments from which they came. The man understands it isn't the crowd who he goes to sleep with at night, but the sound of his own thoughts, & the resonance of his own heart that contradict themselves within the shadow of a lie; & harmonize into music within the celebration of integrity. If the natural born leader goes right just because everyone says so, God frowns upon him from the inside though the tribe is content for a short while. One matures when they decide to honor their Divine father over the one on Earth. This man laughs with those who weep alongside him; influenced by his light heart that heeded instruction in the company of those who did not. At times, to agree with one's neighbors is the contract that assigns them to a spot closer to hell. To counter their impulsive gestures, making room to listen inwardly reserves them a seat upon the higher plane that soars above mundane normalcy; & it's common sense to invest in prime real estate.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

On Access & Arrogance

Because consciousness is the supreme plane, each other within us takes its lead. So if you learn to balance & clarify your attention, your energy, mind, & body will do the same. It is the master key to open every room. There is no more or less than what you can see when your gaze is clear. The only essential function of us all is to open the innumerable doors of existence to access its countless rooms & the qualities they contain.

A key is something that complements the shape of a lock which gives it access to contact & influence the lock's inner workings without getting trapped inside. To open any lock, one must first reach awareness of its shape, then build a key that fits. The reverse order will only lead to failure & dis-ease primarily in the form of frustration. Especially when one has reached access to a room through talent alone, gets removed in the long term due to taking its entry for granted, & then attempts to reenter with actual skill. During their stay, they confused their access to be a result of their ethics when it was actually a divine gift: a boon that required very little effort & no awareness of its mechanics. It's possible to be so fortunate that one can achieve great reward without understanding the puzzle of reality, & therefore misunderstand the present of their position. Eventually, their naivety will expose them to graceful punishments for unknowingly breaking kosmic law. Its painful process is the greatest corrective force known to man. The dense minds who cannot see this natural pattern grow to despise & shrink from life. Those who have used the fire for refinement & developed the vision to see, wholeheartedly embrace the game.

The epitome of arrogance is not acknowledging the nature of the door, its lock & key, but still attempting to gain access to its room, believing that some force inside should let you in without demonstration of skill. The purpose of establishing a lock is to keep irresponsible people from entering the space because they are sure to defile its content as pride is the thief of intelligence. The one who moves with awareness, fully attending to each careful step, will surely treat the room’s content with the same level of detail they used to get inside. Know that a person’s character is revealed in the face of obstacles, & is concealed in the reception of rewards particularly if they didn’t earn them. 

So it’s important to invite gratitude for all that we have to keep our pride in check; recognizing that if it wasn’t you who worked to access the room you enjoy, it was someone who came before, or the divine who protects you with unique favor. The shade of great trees that prevents the sunlight from scorching your skin were planted by those long ago who knew a meeting would never happen. So let us honor the previous courage by having the heart to maintain & advance what we own not by cutting corners, but by an acknowledgement of the whole. 

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

How To Therapy

When your attention on another is undivided, you become attractive to them because they can tell you are tracking their expression. This encourages them to press out more & more. No person wants to be the branch that falls to the forest floor when there's no one to hear it. A person is a social construct, meaning they exist & grow only if they're visible & validated by other pillars of the same building; by another representative of the collective species who has the infrastructure to relate & discern. Seeing someone with your heart gives them the bravery to expose their personality, & in this process of exposition, the opportunity for the grounding nature of attention to reach their psychological plane is accessed. 

At this stage, the goal of catharsis is only a matter of time until it's inevitable release happens that has the power to purify the entire system back to its original nature of health. Ultimately, a therapist is an outsourcing of mindfulness for those who haven't established the balance yet to do it on their own. To listen to someone is to be devoid of all self expression so you can invite them in the supreme plane of conscioussness where all things align. Even if the initial expression of the other appears nonsensical, if you let them speak long enough, the influence of conscioussness will eventually reveal the patterns of thought & emotion. The only task of the therapist is to draw out the elements of a person's mind through the higher faculty of reasonable curiosity so a map can surface. Because it's a logical generation, it must be illustrated across time so unwavering patience is an absolute neccesity. Once the psychological landscape is exposed, which can take minutes, days, weeks, or months, depending on the web of the patient, the clear identification of problems & their solutions can be discovered to create a permanent transformation towards health. The mark of a profound healer isn't reoccuring visitors, but new ones because those from the past have graduated to living their life, not being troubled by it. The only time one should return, ideally, is as equals on the same balanced footing of wisdom. 

The danger of deep therapuetic work from the practioners perspective is if they become too impressed by the emotion & intellect of the patient due to not accessing enough stillness within themself first. This is important to understand because stillness allows for the discernment & release of all things. If illustrations are clung to, this will create inertia in the mind of the therapist & will create all kinds of disease across time. Of course, empathy is valuable, but to become overly invested in the patient's story to the point where the therapist loses their footing in the current instead of sitting calmly by the bank of the river, is to become like the person they are seeking to help heal when it should be the other way around. For the process to work, there must be a transference of order, not of disorder. The healer's stillness must be in greater magnitude than the patient's energy for transformation to happen without damaging effects on either. This is an incredibly difficult position in society to fulfill that takes years of spiritual & psychological fortification which is why most don't do it. But for those who have learned the art, sacrificing their own illusions to reach balance with the universe that protects them from psychological imbalance, their presence is truly a timeless gift to those who respect their work. 

So therapy is less about the grasp of intellectual concepts, & far more about accessing the innate restoration ability within us. At the surface, it's a matter of thought, but truthfully it's a matter of life: of a magical force we cannot know with theories though we can be intimately involved with it through attention. Many things we do on a daily basis are magical without us considering them to be so: the growth of hair overnight, the burst of laughter in response to jokes, the knowing you need to drink water, even the opening & closing of your hand, are all spontaneous beyond intellectual understanding. & yet, their simplicity pervades our lives more than scriptures ever could. Such is the same for the therapist who after careful listening speaks their ephiphany to their patient who erupts into purging tears of relief or halts their frantic expression to abide in a moment of quiet refelction they haven't done in years. It appears to be person to person but it is just life to life. So the one who knows themself knows all others because we share a core, & can therefore heal anyone who opens to their boundless oasis even after they trekked through a finite desert.

The only way I have a holistic understanding of mental health is because over the course of several years, I went through the painful & joyful process of tearing my mind apart & putting it back together & watched the whole thing so I know how it works. It sounds insane, I know. But the universe built me with the desire, boldness, & willpower to chart this psychic terrain in its fullness. It's like software. & although very advanced, it's mechanics can be understood by the one who turns themself into both the patient & the therapist as I did. When you take accountability for your own mind, unless it's been physically impaired, you can clearly see that your own, & everyone elses mental disease isn't something that just happens to us out of thin air. It's something that was created & can therefore be corrected. Psychological illness is a misuse of creativity rooted in a false identity that generates compulsively rather than the actual identity that generates consciously. From a rushed splatter painting, to a careful mosaic, you can learn to design a mind yourself & others can enjoy so long as you hold your brush steady. & I can aid you to develop this even hand.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

On Concentration & Kinship

Though they provide a healthy rush of dopamine, it isn't the achievement of our goals that sustains our wellbeing; but the state of sustained focus required to secure them. If your concentration is broken for a few moments, it has the power to derail the course of your life to a degraded position as one breach begets another. You alone must set your coordinates & enact negative responses to all potential openings for a break in your flow. A forty minute journey can turn into forty years if you allow distractions to sway your velocity. A path begins & ends in the mind. Even if you haven't taken bodily action, & it looks from the outside that you've made no progress, & opportunities appear to engage with the sensory world in novel ways, you must still keep your thoughts on your aim through attending to it. Otherwise, experience the cheap thrills & deep pains of getting lost. If you have no physical plans built yet, make your plan to think about what can be done & avoid the instantly gratifying suggestions of ready made maps others present to you because it appears you're available to drift as they do. Sure they mean well, & they enjoy your company. But they stay as long as it's comforting & won't be present in those difficult moments of uphill work to reach the next platform. For those rare individuals who acknowledge & support the climb, who sweat & grit their teeth beside you, keep them in your company for life as their perception of you is beyond the ephemeral moments into your essence. These timeless companions are truly valuable. Those who appear at dinner once the table has been set, know them to be like grains of sand you attempt to grasp by the ocean’s shore. They laugh with you but will not weep; & their presented schematics will be forgotten by a change of wind demonstrating their half baked conviction. Be weary of those who are certain to celebrate but unclear about struggling with you. For this is a mere shadow of kindness & reveals the mark of a convenience seeker who searches to build fleeting moments of pleasure. They are energy vultures that feast from the steps of another's ethic who have examplified little to none of their own. They are not evil, just immature & short sighted. Those with longer scopes make temples the myopic may bask in; though they complain, scoff, & misunderstand during the construction. Everyone in time benefits from the relatively small sacrifices necessary to attain a larger reward. & a key aspect of this offering to a better future is the militant restriction of attention from wandering across a field of shiny objects to instead remain steady on one point of evolution. Only one door at a moment can be opened, & the imminent fear of unceasing time & impending death causes many of us to fall into the superficial trap of spending time to crack many doors to receive many different glimmers of excellence. This kaleidoscopic stimulation displays an illusion of progress. At a deeper look into the nature of fulfillment, we can find it’s far wiser to abstain from the plethora to focus on opening the one best door you can find. & not just with a sliver of reception, but fully released so none of its bounty is hidden from observation. In this position after consolidated effort has been invested, you can be still & at ease with the multidimensional wealth you've uncovered from one source as there is no other to divide yourself with. There is only one you, one attention, & one universe. So let his fact of one send you not into scarcity, but the one liberated state we all seek through the universal power of concentration. All of our north stars await our attendance to their glory.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

The Joy Of Evading Self Deception

You can save yourself hours, days, weeks, & years of suffering by evading nonsense situations through the preemptive effort of honest thinking guided by clear attention: A silent activity overlooked by the rush of bodily action. There is a force within us all that revels in the thrill of moving without clarity to see what spontaneous fate life will bring. But this childlike rolling of the dice is banished by the one who matures into the desire of building structures for long term benefit. This requires patience & careful planning that evaporates the adrenaline spike of half observed excitement. It takes the awareness to recognize your own underlying motivations to prevent deception of yourself & others to conduct your life truthfully. Introspection has the power to gradually deliver you from the intoxication of sin, of missing the mark, to the sobriety of sense. This allows you to gracefully bypass stupidity that causes the disintegration of yourself & others. Moreover, this power of pausing ensures your reputation remains at a high stature which keeps not only yourself in a rewarding position, but your people as well that benefit from the consistent source of wisdom caused by your self governance: instilling an inner system of checks & balances that maintain keen calibration of your guiding compass. To turn your mind into your own council by the universal tool of conscience is an invaluable attainment that can be used for innumerable gain.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

Be Still & Expand

Be still & know the universe itself is expanding. So if you learn how to sit with its' ride, everything about you will expand as well. If your investments are scattered, so will your life be. Endow your being with the source of amplification through your attention inward, & become a generator of a similar order on the outside: a factory of ingenuity, a bridge between the unmanifested & manifested order that opens & closes according to your level of concentration of the event before your vision. Don't look to define yourself & obstruct the mystical process. Only see how you can wisely constrain the stream of creativity so its expressions channels potency. Beware the scrambler of human creation that is noise or lack of commitment that only serves an unuseful crowd. Position your vessel in silce to observe in awe the fullness of kosmic intelligence in its sacred geometry of sound reasoning & enchantment. The building blocks of innumerable timeless structures lay dormant within your heart. You need only situate yourself with the conducive atmosphere & tools & wait for the inevitable stream of information to appear within your present as gift from kosmic consciousness you receive merely by your acknowledgment of it. This is an exponential return on investment that we provide our devotion to the beyond so that we become like royalty on Earth amongst the spiritually impoverished who are that way not because they lack capacity for wisdom, but simply because they positioned their life in a limited way; unknowingly worshipping a barrier to the intelligence they simultaneously fear & long for. Cast your tame-hood for the wild to uncover a character you do not know because his order abilities are unhalted by the chameleon tendency in pursuit of survival. Behold what the universe can transform you into once you heed the call for evolution when the repulsion of death has been replaced with the attraction to life. You have on attention & therefore you cannot serve two masters. The power you feed is the power you will get & it will exude from your temple like the fragrance of a lotus flower that greets those sensitive enough to detect its distinct aura. So choose to turn your back on the deceiver that robs your benevolent scent, & sing silent praises to the pole upon the dualistic scale that delivers endless inspiration that propels your joy. Sit upon the summit of your mind until the phoenix of rebirth can be observed & ridden even higher through the clouds ceiling towards the realm of pure sunlight. Bask in the rays of warmth & allow them to burn away those metaphysical chains that gripped your limbs for so long. What's left is strong enough to commune with the self sustaining explosion of magnitude that destroys prison walls for the inner revolution of humanity to unfold in every mind that can sense its resonance. Know the universe's king smiles upon those who carry out his work. Be still & know I am is God.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

Your Infinite Creativity

The style of one's creativity isn't in the hands of the individual, but of the force that animates him. What's in one's influence is only the refinement or lack thereof of their natural current of novelty. So mimicry is the errand of a fool who knows no respect for himself yet. That is until his mediocre productions bring the suffering of dissatisfaction that compels him to uncover the unique eternal well from which only he can draw from & pour its rejuvenating liquid into others cups. The oak could never produce mangoes & never tries to do such a distorted thing. Especially when the fruits are already appearing in their best form. Such is the same for the leopard who never attempts to swim through the ocean when orcas have commanded its domain. So why does the painter spend his time in a cube with other lost typists supporting a language foreign to his native tongue? The unfortunate plight of people is we can become colonized by ideas impressed upon us by articulate actors of Earth. But what is communicating instructions to the oak? It can only be God's common sense that much of the educated among us have lost with our sharp thinking & dull attention who have become allergic to mystery. Having spent decades in academia, cold symbols have become companions instead of Nature's music that contains the enchanting tones of timeless spells. When one would rather read about the wind's refreshment on a hot summer's day than travel to its present location, they've taken a backwards angle along their path of maturity. Boundless creativity that's unlocked by the patience of wonder & a relaxed yet engaged nervous system has been obscured by the rush of consuming malnutritious records forged by perspectives outside their own. With each meal, the mind only becomes more confused, hungry, & a step further away from the real inspiration it seeks to allow for the emergence of an order not yet recognized by history. & because its unprecedented, its incomparable structure is defined as an insignificant error; even though the oak is never mistaken in its course to reveal acorns at the ripeness of its survival across spacetime. Observe yourself to be that branch connected to the Great Tree upon which all things rise from. After this is seen, there will be no problem you cannot solve & no canvas you cannot paint on.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

The Wisdom Of Waiting

The most disruptive phenomena of human experience is instant gratification because not only does it interrupt a coherent flow of mood, it creates gradual addiction that heavily dismantles ones operating system by distorting the perception of value & goal orientation. In addiction, one can completely forget the sense of what sustains & improves life. The only target becomes the next high with periods of despair & confusion in between. The only cure is learning to wait & delay gratification; to not be in frivolous, but a significant pursuit that takes extended time to unfold & fall back into meditation between each achievement. Instant gratification creates the illusion of accomplishment & demotivates one to act towards higher goals because they appear to be worthless to the state of an overly excited reward system. Indulging in any sort of these low hanging fruits that spiral into addictions is ultimately the highest form of self betrayal & results in the lowest forms of self esteem. Everyone's plan, unconsciously or consciously, is to evolve. It is the kosmic agenda. So if you directly contradict this & act towards your devolvement, you continually cut the branch you sit on.

Nothing of greatness can be manifested in a hurry. But so few of us are willing to wait as long as it takes to bring desires from the realm of subtle thought to the dense one of Earth. & in this impatience, the flow of desire itself does not yield, so what we end up receiving are cheap replicas of the original signal we broadcasted into the universe. In this reception, although we were given something, we are also greeted with restlessness because our soul understands this is of lower quality than what we know we could have achieved if we had just been more patient. But how hard is it for this simplicity of waiting to do for one whose bloodstream is filled with added sugar & their mind filled with short form content that scrambles their neurons. What's easy seems difficult & what's difficult seems impossible. & the impossibility to the meditative one is yet another revelation that will inevitably be uncovered by their concentration across space time. To the one who knows that waiting isn't a matter of time spent, but the mode of one's character to withstand the pure intensity of stillness where one thinks nothing of his or herself in a process of weaving with existence. The entirety of what life has to offer is awarded to the patient observer whose ego is evaporated by the majesty of universal information, while only fragments are tossed to the hurried that are intolerant of divine clockwork.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

The Significance Of Visual Art

Human beings have been creating visual art for tens of thousands of years. For the intelligence of our race to continually revisit this practice of illustration, there must be significance beyond it just being pleasing to the eye. Superficial trends of behavior, which aren’t actually useful to our society, wax & wane with the times. But themes which repeat themselves across great stretches of history indicate not a luxurious & whimsical want, but a primal need that must be met. A desire to be fulfilled or else unfavorable consequences will occur. When I reflect on the psychological guidelines of our wellbeing, I find myself remembering the famous & accurate Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. A roadmap of stepping stones towards our ultimate destination. If you reference this map, which is in itself a piece of visual art (I will touch on this later), alongside human action throughout history, you will see that although we are an intelligent race of beings, we are predictable in nature. Every one of us, even if it appears different in style upon the surface, follows the same structure of development from wanting safety to transcendence & everything in between. This article is an effort to explain the impact of visual art & our tendency to rely upon it, at each level of this hierarchy of which no person is exempt. Before this dive, you must know there are various lenses to view the world. One can perceive life as a physicist, a biologist, a philosopher, etc. Of the universe’s influence, I have always seen this experience as an incredible mosaic. So I refer to everything as a work of art. Hence my interest & interpretation of the subject at hand. Now, let’s begin. 

The first two tiers deal with the physiological & safety. It contains the basic needs for food, water, shelter, sleep, clothing, reproduction, health etc. Let me ask you a series of simple questions. Would you consume bread with mold growing upon its surface? Would you drink water mixed with sewage waste? Would you sleep & spend time in a house infested with roaches? Would you wear shoes with gaping holes in them? Would you engage sexually with someone you found to be hideous? If you feel your skin crawling just by imagining these events, the same way I did while writing them, then congratulations, your visual instinct which keeps you alive & on track towards prosperity is fully functioning! Even without interacting with these moments in your experience, there is already an adverse reaction to them. There is something deep within you, an innate knowing, that’s communicating to your conscious mind to “avoid at all cost”. Each one of these examples which are detected first by the eyesight, although not art as you may typically think, are actually paint strokes of the divine. These scenes of nature can be observed as a piece of work reminiscent of what you could see in a gallery; & your natural response to them, is the key which keeps you on track to live sensibly. We are drawn to food & water that look clean. We are attracted to shelters that look pristine. We desire clothes that look intact. There is a drive to reproduce with people who look healthy. Why? Because they are all those positive descriptions at the base biological level. The foundational level which provides the opportunity to sense higher realms of development. A time old saying which states “you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover”, isn’t all that accurate in certain situations if your vision is clear. Yes, there are false assumptions you can make about a person, place, or thing by using your imagination (as opposed to your attention). But if you look at dirty water, & drink it anyway, because you want to “read the book”, then you could quite possibly die due to the liquid being ridden with disease. At this level, visual art signifies life or death. An incredibly useful tool.

The next two tiers involve love, belonging, & self esteem. They contain the needs of connection & status. At this stage, the role of visual art becomes less about supporting our biological existence, & more about orienting our social identity after survival has been taken care of. This is where us as human beings begin to distinguish ourselves from other creatures upon this magical planet. & upon this spinning rock floating in space, human societies are organized by documented symbols we call language. They are visual tools to concentrate unlimited potential & dispel the ambiguity of our nebulus minds into intellectual, manageable parts. A buffer against chaos. You may be thinking “language isn’t visual art”. But if you look very closely at each word & letter you are reading this instant, past the voice in your head, you will see that they are just interesting squiggles you’ve assigned meaning to. Don’t believe me? Observe the Chinese alphabet. To a billion people, it’s as normal of a tool as how we perceive English. But to us, it’s art simply because we haven’t ascribed meaning to it. When you look upon the signals of this world with a silent mind, everything is art. & this vital vein of art connects countless numbers of people across the globe. Imagine if each person on earth understood only their own written language, had their own currency note, & waved their own flag. The profound convenience we take for granted of our society having amazing levels of regulation & communication would be impossible. Visual art solves this paramount problem of the disorientation caused by isolation. When a group uses the same alphabet, they can connect their ideas & emotions with one another just as I attempt to do now. An agreed upon banknote, which appears different all across the world, amongst a collective efficiently facilitates the flow of goods & services supporting a nation’s prosperity. A country’s flag has the power to bring its people under one belief system to organize its parts towards a common goal. & try to travel by car to a new destination not even thirty minutes away without perhaps the most useful form of visual art, a map. You will most likely end up in the most terrifying state for a human being: lost. This is the precursor to impending doom. The closest we can come to our greatest fear of death, while being alive, is being lost. Maybe you don’t see this fact because as a modern individual whose entire life has been guided by symbols you’ve been educated to understand, you’ve truly never experienced the sensation of being completely disintegrated from your environment & consumed by the unknown. But if you look closely at your behavior, you may even be afraid of striking up a conversation with a stranger because you’re keeping the unknown at bay. & you run towards your old friends with a great smile. The new interaction could be brilliant, or horrifying. We don’t know. But the vigorous tendency to survive wants to keep danger as far away as possible. Hence the neverending pursuit of our societies throughout history to utilize the power of visual art to minimize unpredictability. They serve as our compass & keep our minds at ease. Just as our ancestors used the visual spectacles of shining stars in the night sky to ensure they were moving straight. Even now as I write this piece, I am continually referencing Maslow’s pyramid as my compass to create a coherent string of ideas. Otherwise, I may drift off into an irrelevant tangent & veer into useless wandering. An aimless trek which degrades one's self esteem overtime. We are at our most dignified when we have the sense that we know where we’ve been, where we are, & where we are going. This context would be impossible without the use of vision & visual tools. Why do people acquire large houses? Luxury cars? Expensive watches? Premium art? They serve the same primal function as smaller houses, common cars, cheap timekeeping tools, & basic artworks. Again, it goes back to the significance of the symbol. There is a sense of achievement & rank they wish to convey to themselves, & other people. To proudly exclaim their self image not through the limitation of sound based language, but through universal visuals that “After my arduous efforts, I have attained wealth. This is proof of where I stand amongst the hierarchy”. They desire to continually rise up the totem pole, transmuting work into rewards, ingrained tendency imprinted on everyone of us. Which brings us to the final two tiers of this dive (or climb. Whatever works for you).

The top two levels of our map of needs is self actualization & transcendence. They involve the desires of realizing one’s full potential, seeking personal growth, peak experiences, & ultimately awakening to dimensions of life beyond one’s ego to join the larger picture. The true composition which surmounts the spiritual problem of attaining enlightenment or self awareness. This, I believe, is the only real longing of the human being because it isn’t a detour conjured by the imagination subject to cultural conditioning. It is the existentialocean where each flowing river, in their own styles, meet at the end of the journey. Those who travel along the continual adventure of being all that one can be, most likely have role models they look up to, or vision boards used to counteract distraction. They create environments within their physical surroundings & their mind which keep their eyes on the target to allow the power of inspiration to guide them. Every major religion on the planet has these symbols, these blueprints of morality & excellence within the framework of their structure. Christianity has Jesus & the cross. Islam has the prophet Muhammad, the crescent & star, & the kaaba. Taoism has Lao Tzu & the ying yang. Hinduism has Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, & the aum. They are examples of human behavior optimized which we can envision & remember which way to go in this world where there are endless directions to walk. When we find ourselves overwhelmed, disconnected, or lost, we can recall a symbol, a visual representation of our chosen path, to orient our senses towards victory. These psychological tools bring us to a mental state beyond the appearing & disappearing frames of reference caused by passing thought & emotion into a more stabilized, truthful being. Just as pilgrims travel to Mecca & circle around the kaaba, every persona revolves around some symbol whether they are aware of it or not. It is the nature of thought structure to identify a center (or else it will devolve into psychosis). An immovable point from which all ideas circulate. & because the basis of thought is imagination, this point must be an image one can rely upon to transcend the temptations of low hanging fruit. These upper echelon forms of visual art have the power to dissolve the allure of egocentric entertainment. They guide our life energy & attention to depths of meaning which lead to those peak experiences we all desire. From perceiving only waves of water to the oceanic feeling. From fragmentation to union. I have experienced myself that equanimity is the key to a human being reaching their full life’s potential in perception & expression. It is the fertile soil of mind that delivers one from compulsion to choice. & for this reason I create photographic artworks infused with this meditative perspective I have been developing over the past twelve years. In short, I paint with light to pause the mind. It is my wish to open this ocean within you through my work. & I hope after reading this text, your daily life is filled with a vision rich with meaning.  

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

The Night’s Value

As you know, absolutely everything in our solar system depends upon the unrelenting warmth, light, & power of the sun. It is the ancient engine of all life on Earth. In my experience, I have noticed a direct correlation to my wellbeing & me improving my relationship with our star (enhanced mood, sharper eyesight, greater ability to concentrate / think, better sleep, & a sense of being included). The desire to intentionally commune with it began from my deteriorating psychological & bodily health. On my path of building a business, I decided to use the stability of a typical 9-5 corporate job to fuel my dreams. For many people, these situations can be soul crushing, which it was for a time, until I began to understand the mechanics of how to optimize my health through trusting my sensitivity as opposed to running from the pain. 

Within this circumstance I placed myself in for various reasons, it has connected my nervous system to extended periods of time indoors, no sun exposure, & fluorescent lights. There was a particular day where I felt especially distraught. Almost as if my experience was being oppressed. & instead of pulling the obvious “I’m at a job I don’t enjoy. That’s why I’m upset.” I looked deeper because the problem seemed to be a biological issue. My intuition then led me to focus on the lighting. The aspect of office culture that is so pervasive it almost becomes invisible. It’s almost like noticing that grass is green, & your skin is brown. Yes we all know these simple things we gloss over, but we can become aware of the effect of these aesthetics if we employ our sensitivity. So I began observing the objects around me very closely, noticing how the light reflected off of them & into my eyes & understood instinctually that something was wrong. I then conducted research on fluorescent light discovering that it’s basically an abominable invention to make the inside of man made structures visible. They are the unnatural illuminators in unnatural environments that emit subliminal flickers. These are registered as chaotic signals that get sent to the brain causing increased blood pressure, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, & fatigue. “According to some experts, just 6 hours of exposure to artificial light is enough to impair your cells ability to produce energy efficiently. This rate of production also decreases as the duration of exposure increases. Besides contributing to fatigue-induced glare, fluorescent lights have been shown to trigger autoimmune conditions, slow down metabolism, disrupt the immune system, interfere with focus & concentration, & contribute to skin aging” (Molly Duong). So the mechanism which allows people to see & operate inside & be excluded from the elements for forty hours a week contributes to a slow death. Just as we shouldn’t consume processed foods because of their well documented degrading effects on our system, so shouldn't we consume processed light. We need whole foods & whole light that can only be provided by nature. I believe most people don’t perceive light as something we consume, but it has a profound effect on the development of our bodies which translates into mental health or lack thereof. All other diurnal (as opposed to nocturnal) creatures depend on sunlight to support their activities except human beings. 

This led me to question with our levels of intelligence & sensitivity, why have we created environments which displace us from the source of our health? I’ve theorized it arises from our fear of the dark. An age old paranoia we have yet to integrate in our lives. It is in this darkness that our greatest dread lies: the possibility of death due to unforeseen danger. As human beings, we are incredibly reliant on our eyesight to the point where we are pretty much useless without light. & this ability to see & manipulate the world & protect ourselves which would naturally be stripped from us while the sun is on momentary leave has freaked us to our core. The invention of the lightbulb, I believe, is deeply rooted in this primal attitude. As a modern person living in the year twenty twenty four, I’m sure you’ve never experienced pure, open darkness (unless you’ve been fortunate enough to leave the metropolis & camp). I feel there’s always been some sort of way to see at all times whether it be from streetlights, city lights, flashlights, etc. Our society is created in such a way that the stage is always prepared to act upon; even crowning our commerce headquarters of New York as the city that never sleeps. A city which is always awake. Did you know that if you endure twenty four hours of wakefulness, you’ll experience similar symptoms as if you were exposed to fluorescent light? If you’re awake for thirty six hours, you may experience blurred vision, confusion, anger, & illusions. At forty eight you’ll be met with depression, hostility, extreme emotional dysregulation, poor auditory judgment, memory loss, & an inability to form coherent thoughts or sentences. With seventy two hours of sleep deprivation, your brain will produce vivid hallucinations you wouldn’t be able to discern from reality. These are of course, extreme examples, but look within yourself & around our society & you will clearly notice these symptoms sprinkled across the human race. In our fear of darkness, of the void which holds all of creation together, we have completely removed it from our lives along with its profound physical, psychological, & spiritual benefits. Because we have become so intellectually focused which drives us to control (rather than cooperate with) nature, we have praised light as being our only companion to live well. With the use of light, we are able to notice distinct parts of the whole we can then use for our purposes. But in the darkness, we can see nothing. No-thing. The nondual existence of life that supports the dualistic. If you consider this truth carefully you will see that darkness is actually the foundation of light itself, so it must be profoundly important to commune with & understand because it cannot be destroyed. Even the sun can explode into nothing, but darkness is immortal. In our incessant desire for comfort & convenience, we have built our civilizations from the materials of the Earth but have picked which parts we like to keep & which to leave. In our ignorance caused by personal preference, we’ve concocted unbalanced, nutrient deficient environments. Just as we have with processed food. 

It's no coincidence that egos become large in cities where artificial lights never shut off, & the people there have effectively hidden the night sky. The same sky which naturally would be the visual opening to observe the rest of the cosmos off in the great distance. Imagine how small & quiet your mind would feel if each night when there was a clear sky, you were able to experience the majesty of our galaxy in which we live. You would wonder each night what created this incredible brilliance, & understand completely that you aren’t the center of life. That the creation in which we live is beyond our comprehension. The lack of light pollution would dissolve any limited & separate identity because you would see yourself as a citizen of the universe. Your mind would be blown with the nightly reminder. But we have become intrigued by our own creations to the point where we have become unknowingly trapped in them where we develop a myopic context. Within this safety we created enclosures where we can fall asleep to entertainment while we’re designed to be vibrantly awake. In cities if you look towards the sky, all you’ll see is a blankness which more than anything draws the attention away because the eyesight is drawn towards points which it can fixate on. There’s no opportunity to see as far as you are capable. & this limitation, on our human being, creates the sensation of being caged. Our consciousness, a boundless tool to experience any dimension of human life, becomes suffocated to only see a sliver of life. & mostly within this sliver are the processed environments we created where we are hoping to find fulfillment. But because we are inventions of the Universe, only other inventions of the Universe will fulfill our desires as they are within the same system designed by the same architect. There is a wholesome unison. This is the key to wellbeing. Our awareness, our consciousness, can expand without limit, so we need to enter an arena which stretches without limit which is complete darkness. 

Our identification with the intellect has caused us to attach to its voice & attribute who we are to the mind & body. As a result we keep the lights on to support mind & body pursuits. But as we are seeing in society, this simply is not working to generate long term wellbeing. It is the accessories of life we can be involved with while we have physical visibility, but our true self is discovered only in the dark. Beyond our ideas, our social identities, our possessions, our lifestyles, etc. It is in the embrace of the night that we become intune with our intuitive genius by merging with the great rest which provides insight for activity of the next day. Our 24 hour society ultimately breeds human mediocrity because it removes the opportunity to abide within a sacred space. The crawling caterpillar only evolves into a flying butterfly after its hiatus from all activity within its cocoon. A great oak tree only sprouts against gravity, pushing through the ground only after its seed has spent time becoming situated underground. & all mammals develop within their mother’s womb before they are born, where some creatures can even walk & run upon reaching the world. 

The Earth & its natural cycles serve as an additional womb after birth where we continue to grow our energy. There are finely tuned periods of contraction in stimulated activity, moving against resistance powered by sunlight, & sections of expansion in inactivity existing without friction while darkness pervades your plot of land. If we praise one side of this coin & forget the other, we will become a people out of balance that will eventually be unsensible enough to create our own cages with their complementary lights which never shut off. In this state we will never truly sleep. We will become inspired by fatigued induced thought patterns woven with fear & believe building walls around ourselves is an excellent epiphany of genius, when in actuality it is the digging of our own graves. This sleep deprived ideology which translates into action all around the developed world is the ax with which we use to cut the brand we sit on. 

Now, that’s enough ranting. I hope I’ve painted the picture well in your mind. I know most of us are entrenched in this nonstop metropolis lifestyle, so it’s hard to leave. But, with intentional action, it is possible to accumulate the resources to create a life that is intune with the sun & the moon. Not the marketplace. It is my dream to be aligned with the natural celestial rhythm. It will be so in due time. & I’m sure I’ll have countless mystical experiences & insights & share them with you. Until then, I work with patience.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

The Man & The Gold Coin: A Lesson On Gratitude

Before the age of IOUs & paper based currency, there was a man who amassed a great fortune through arduous effort. His money was entirely made of gold coins. At his older age, he had earned & saved enough to receive his net worth from the bank, & retire. From his home, filled with pride, he strutted through town & boldly requested his money in full; upon which he received a large burlap sack of gold. His treasure was heavy, but somehow felt light atop his shoulders as he reminisced on the past era of hard work which translated into opening the new chapter he entered on this day. Walking with his sack, he imagined the life of leisure he would live until his final hours. He thought of the fine silks he would wear. The cured meats he would eat. The pristine silence he would hear. & ultimately the ease of his own mind & body which had been continually disturbed by his exertion throughout the decades. He was nearly overfilled with joy as anyone would who received this great of a return on their investment. As he walked closer towards his home, the pounds of his fortune weighed upon the muscles of his body, & he decided to sit by a river to rest. This was a large body of water which his town depended upon for survival & trade. There were fisherman & merchants who populated the area taking advantage of the opportunities for fresh food & frequent business. It was a bustling scene. Due to the affluence concentrated in this area, there were also thieves looking to acquire through theft in a moment what other people had worked for years to attain. The man was fully aware of this having spent his whole life within the town. He knew which places to be & which not to be. So he sat peacefully observing the scene allowing his body to recover for his continued trek home. To pass the time, he put the sack of gold on the ground by his side & took out a single coin with his aging hand. He admired the way it glistened in the sunshine & the integrity of its metal. Still taken aback by his accomplishment, he sat there in awe that his dreams had finally been realized. He began to flip this coin in the air, enjoying the premium sound & its spectacle with a childlike grin painted across his expression. He flicked his coin with ease three or four times, but on his next go, he gauged the trajectory wrong & his coin fell in the river. He watched his metal with horror as a piece of his new life was in the process of being swept away. In an unacceptable attitude, filled with pride & a protective emotion towards his entire treasure, he didn’t hesitate to jump into the river in an effort to retrieve the one piece. The man acquired his earnings through focused perseverance, & wasn’t going to let his age get in the way of this habit. He had gotten so fixated on his blunder, he left his sack of gold behind on the shore. With endurance he fought against the current, grabbed his coin, & made his soaked way back to where he was sitting. His expectation to toss his once misplaced item to join the rest was contradicted by a paralyzed terror. The sack was gone. Bandits watched the stream of events closely & of course, saw moments of the man desperately jumping into the river as the window to steal his prized possession. The man looked around & saw no signs of where his treasure could be. The scene had too many moving parts to discern a trail. It was lost. With his one coin, he put his old hands in his head with agonizing tears knowing that he was responsible for ignoring the full picture. By placing his attention on the one percent he didn’t have, the other ninety-nine disappeared.

I wonder what precious things we have lost because we were giving our attention to this one percent. When we were unaware of the importance of transitioning from tunnel vision to an inclusive one to maintain what we have achieved. How quickly we forget to be grateful for what we have by always looking for the addition, or replacing what we believed we have lost. We may desire “perfection” because of the longing for wholeness, but at times our perception of what is full is distorted by our fear & pride. By what we imagine is right instead of what actually is. Instead of what actually works. Take a closer look at what’s already around & within you. Because once you lose sight of that & take your treasures for granted, you’ll have nothing. Even if you once worked for something. I have felt the pain of this, & hope this timeless lesson told in a new way allows you to divert a similar fate. If you truly take this to heart, life will reward you.

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Nicholson Porter Nicholson Porter

Understanding Wealth Creation

The current of money is located at the transaction: the exchange of buying & selling. Master the art of transacting, actively participate in its dance, & you will acquire more than enough money to do whatever is possible in society. The origin of the word transaction means “to settle.” Meaning both parties involved come to an agreement that produces mutual emotional stability, which ultimately grants everyone access to a closer position towards their ideal experience. Towards a higher standard / stable platform of living. This is the only reason people engage with the market: either to maintain or elevate their living standards which requires constant energy & resource input to uphold. & this continuous flow of rising again, the origin of the word resource, is the byproduct of successful transactions facilitated over & over again throughout the course of one’s life. Just as the breath continually flows in & out the body to renew itself & stay alive / intune, so does the wise merchant keep his or her eyes on the market looking for people whose standards to improve or maintain through his or her offer. & with enough manual transactions, the wise merchant eventually has the capital to create a system of automatic transactions that can interact with the market’s cycles without his or her conscious effort. This is the pinnacle economic position every wise person strives for. Because from there, societal life becomes effortless & one can take their attention away from the tedious process of attending to survival, & into the expansive, exuberant process of devotion to one’s passions for uninterrupted periods of time. This, in most minds, is heaven on Earth, & the most sensible way for an intelligent being to live on this planet. Not as a slave to its society’s customs, but a conscious player within it. Embracing its change, aka opportunity, to receive higher quality rewards as a result of continually growing wisdom of the world & self. & the best exchanges are seamless with the after effect of bliss. Like the experience of smelling your favorite dish on an empty stomach, seeing the smile of a loved one, or hearing the waves of the ocean. It is so smooth, so frictionless, that it's almost imperceptible to understand a transaction took place. & that is the quality of life: uninhibited energy gliding across the eternal stability of consciousness. The sun sparks energy, creates resources, through the collision of atoms; & so does a sound business do the same each time it interacts with customers. It is the involvement, or collisions, of life that release its bliss; its resource. So if a merchant has isolated him or herself, he or she is finished. The whistle of trees is not made by the leaves or the wind, but through the play of both. & in this technological age, many of us are tricked into believing we can have a lively relationship with computers, but this continual exposure to gadgets only leads to stagnation due to lack of proper feedback. Life must interact with life to flourish, not with machines.  

If you could touch another human being, & dissolve their boundaries against life, sending them into an ecstatic experience; this would be the best way to transact. & the best each one of us can do is discover how we can remove our own boundaries & deliver our solution to others. Whether it be through artistic expression, spiritual practice, culinary creations, public speaking, scientific engineering; anything that opens your door to the boundless is your gift to the world, & your “item” of exchange to transact with the market for monetary trade & life itself for energetic trade. You can make this “item” a physical thing, which will open doors of society specific to its genre, but if you make it your very being through leading your life with keen awareness, then all of life will open to you & you will be greeted anywhere there are sensible beings. Most of the time, simply being able to see another at their core is enough to unlock their bliss; their resource to rise again. To have a vision that can notice, & therefore interact with another’s essence beyond the illusions of conditioning they have attempted to place around it, is enough. This is the power of observation, not information, that has the ability to not necessarily break barriers, but to see past them because it is attention that was made by the divine, not accounts. Therefore it is intune with the divine system, the true system that symbols could never interact with. So to get to the bottom of anything to generate valuable transactions, you must first be willing & capable of clear observation undistorted by the libraries of society, which allows everyone involved in the exchange to settle for an improved standard of life. Understanding this has significantly improved my life in the world, & beyond it in every way. I hope this blesses you as it's done for me!

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