For both a man & a woman to manifest upon our planet, it requires the cooperative ingredients from both a man, & a woman. So, within the man, there are characteristics of a woman. Within the woman, there are characteristics of a man. The denial of this natural composition through the senselessness of suppression is the precursor to chronic disease that plagues the society we live in today. The desire to lean towards one pole or the other, regardless of context, is to adopt a rigid mask that will break against the actual fluidity of Life. The man who embraces his mother that flows through him, & the woman who embraces her father that flows through her, allowing them both express themselves through the intelligence of their own individuality based upon the current setting, is not to be weak or deceitful. It’s to be balanced & in harmony with natural behavior as opposed to incongruent beliefs. Those who pin their character to a single concept attempt to turn themselves into a digit: a binary code of repetitive & unresponsive expression that acknowledges only the narrow view of their perspective designed by a paradigm of domination that misunderstands (& therefore fears) the dualism of Nature. The search for power over gender, rather than the cultivation of both builds psychological, societal, cultural, & economic imbalance that flows into the destabilization of the environment that supports these pivotal arenas of human activity. The men who are committed to nurturing “the woman within them” will surely have reverence for growing themselves as a whole, & therefore the relationships that surround & sustain them. The women who are committed to nurturing “the man within them” will surely have the strength to protect themselves as a whole, & therefore the relationships that surround & sustain them. The culturally ignored truth of character fluidity between traditionally recognized gender traits heals the fragmentation of an individual’s energy. This brings their mind & purpose of Life together in clear view.
To voyage through the ocean upon a ship, there must be both a hull to contain a steady form, & sails that change by the impression of the wind to propel the vessel along an evolutionary path. Without one or the other, the ship either sinks or stagnates. Though our culture propagates that conceptual goals are paramount, truth reveals that these are merely a means. The ends are not static, isolated points in spacetime which do not exist. But the dynamic process of relationships. It doesn’t matter if the captain of the ship has a burning desire to reach the next port if his vehicle’s parts are in poor relation. He won’t make it. & even when he does, he will be met with something else he must relate to. Life is a cooperation of activity. When this orientation takes shape in one’s mind, they can finally see & accept Life’s behavior as it is & flow with its circular order.
The false perception of linear time creates silos of focus towards an actually moving target that can never be pinned. All that is possible is to perceive a flow & join it. This synchronization with energy in motion that requires the balance of masculinity & femininity is “the point” in itself.
A force that cannot die, that cannot stop, must move in a pendulum: an equilateral wave to balance & sustain its existence. So, for a man to sustain his Life energy, he must oscillate his expression from a masculine bent to a feminine one. & if he truly is alive & awake, Life will send him into novel citations by his desire to travel in mind & Earth that will naturally cause him to shift from one pole to another within himself to support the various changes of context. A woman, for the same reasons, will flow from femininity to masculinity & back again to sustain her overall Life energy as well. This is why, if one has not realized this to perform the energy work on their own, perceive romance as not an accessory, but as an absolute requirement to maintain their health. The process of seeking one’s opposite is ultimately to experience, with the aid of catalyst, the end aim of dynamic harmony. The only alternative is illness.
If the memorization of intellectual concepts dictates behavior rather than the observation of context, this fundamental knowledge will be obscured by emphasizing the map over the territory which will never align. One’s entire energetic, psychological, & behavioral structure must adapt to fit the place one finds themselves on Earth. The ignorance of this results in profound levels of stubbornness & ultimately the destruction of the individual for biting the hand that feeds them. This intuitive ability of Life’s fluidity accounts for the incredible diversity of human culture, plants, & animal species throughout the history of Earth that’s kept our home regulated for millions of years. But in today’s age, instead of using our intelligence to flow with the land’s behavior, we have created our own environments with such sophistication that we can survive without setting a foot in the wild; & naturally activity will develop that’s incongruent with the actual fuel that supports the synthetic land but has been forgotten by people who are entire generations removed from the original circumstance. In this stage where the energetic, psychological, & behavioral structures of individuals have adopted distorted forms to harmonize with a distorted land, the poor relations & understanding of men & women are merely a byproduct of a much larger root issue of humanity’s divorce from our intimacy with Earth. Our common sense, that comes from connection to the land, dissolves into oblivion along with it.
The fundamental psychological deviation from this separation of place is the inaccurate concept of linear time: where Life begins & ends full stop. Because Life’s behavior is cyclical, this distorted perception of a linear passage creates an attitude of scarcity, isolation, & restlessness because the abundance of regeneration brought by inclusion is missed. The response to this from an intelligent Life form who can influence its environment could only be domination of others & accumulation of resources for disproportionate growth relative to other species upon the planet. This extreme effort is not out of enjoyment. It’s compelled by the fear of death that’s mistaken as the finale as opposed to a transition. In linearity, one’s relationships can only form into competition where the most efficient way to win is to crush “the enemy”. & with enough fear, this species has the power to form languages, weapons, & entire cultures of imperialism that bombard Earth because all others wouldn’t even conceive of conquest as a possibility due to their acknowledgement of interdependence. Linear views cannot see the circle of Life, only the goal; & will naturally prioritize it stopping at nothing to achieve the objective. From this perspective, the cycles, diversity, & inclusion–the rich subjectivity of living experience–are all a means to an end. To the conquistador, the land is a means to material wealth. Women are a means to societal power. Both of these Life forms will eventually swing back to humble this one one whose thoughts became larger than the place where he thinks them.
This vain attempt at eliminating uncertainty robs one of the creativity to participate sensibly in the flow of events as they manifest themselves. The same chaos that one attempts to control is the evolutionary force of infinite novelty. The act of coercion prevents the power of wielding an energy that cannot be owned, only involved with. There is an endless abundance of resources beyond the limitations of what we could bend to our will that we can learn to share company with. We do not own fire, but we must cooperate with its heat & light to stay warm & see clearly. Men do not own women. Women do not own men. But we must share each other's wisdom, beauty, & fertility to allow humanity to rise again. If a man controls a woman’s whimsy, & a woman controls a man’s aggression, the tree of union will not bear fruit. The unpredictability is the fuel; if its inevitable behavior is accepted to reveal opportunities that can be confused as problems to the conquer’s eye.
The way things are, contradictions do not exist; there are only different paths to evolve where each musn't be hindered by the other to advance. For each individual, there is always an opening of unique resonance that may or may not work for others. If it does or doesn’t it matters not as every human being has membership to access Life. A variety of doors & keys are distributed among us that manifest as styles of activity; & the master key is holistic participation as it is the prerequisite of knowledge.
To dominate is to close one’s eyes. To embrace is to open them.