An Illustration Of Love

Two are but halves of One.

When you are truly in Love with someone, it's resonance is like the Sun: constant, warm, & self sustaining. It isn't dependent upon the others presence or their reciprocation. There is no uncertainty of how long it will last, & there is no fear of it disappearing abruptly as its build was gradual. It's clarifying, stable, & serene: something that you'll want to keep within yourself to avoid dispersing it with too much expression which is only an immature infatuation that fades in due time. Love does not boast or attempt to prove itself. Its radiance is self evident: like the granduer of a mountain that does not speak, although its raw power can be sensed by those who look close enough. It is not in the quantity or intensity of one's gestures, but in the subtle, sincere, & focused way they are done. It coats one's entire life in how they speak, how they stand, how they breathe, & how they look. The eyes of one in Love are pure: exposed to the openness of their Heart. There is no sense of defense. There is only the willingness to touch; to explore deeper into the surrender of profound, consistent emotion that bypasses the intellect's reasoning. Analytical thought will only destroy its potent delicacy & its message will be fragmented. It is a holistic design of approaching oneself, their lover, & Life. Even when inevitable dissapointment comes of this Sacred feeling being disrespected by the other, as we all become fatigued & forgetful at times, there is no desire for revenge. There is only a therapeutic concern for the other's well being. Its Divine compassion sees beyond the superficial patterns to notice the underlying current it isn't afraid to observe. Its perception is keen & borderlines prophetic insight about the beloved & the course of the relationship. Its accurate predictions cannot be disturbed by external judgements because its concentration is stronger than flickering impulses from those who've never tasted its cohesive sensation. In Love, there is no rush because its connection is beyond distance & time. The signal of both people resides in the other. Even after a stimulating day, in the quiet hours of the night its Music can be heard. Its song never ends though it can be veiled by passing loudness. When all is released in rest, revealing most as visitors who exit through the open door, the lover is who stays because they have found not their hotel, but their home. The place where they intentionally let their roots settle beneath the surface to slowly mature their emotional plant from a sapling to a grown tree that produces ripe fruit for decades to come.

For the one who has trapped themselves by the cage of self defense, this process of integration appears to be an invader that seeks to disrupt their personal landscape. But to the one who has quelled their insecurity, it's simply the natural Music of Love where one's conscioussness graduates into the experience of containing another living process other than their previous solopsistic pysche. One's heart realizes it can hold the presence of two. At the same time, the other does as well in a synchronized harmony. From here, a third meta person is born that resembles the real relationship. This is a Genius level vehicle of expression that guides both indivudals on how to remain together through the ups & downs of Life that test everyone's will. When the ups come, of ourse it's easy to enjoy the ride & there isn't an immediate need to hear the Genius. But when the downs come, & the temptation to abandon the ride arises from losing sight of the in-visible shared reality, this is when both must be quiet enough to hear the whispering instructions of the Genius that never fails to correct the course back to stability. The pain of "breaking up", which at an energetic level is impossible, for shallow reaons from a deep bond like this hurts immensely on purpose. Its stabs to the Heart are a director to turn around & be accountable for what's been built. Love is not for the faint of Heart who leave a back door open, negotiating with themselves to escape when they are spooked by being witness to things beyond expectation. It is only for those with steadfast courage & emotional intelligence who are prepared to be on the entire ride; & not just the parts they prefer. It is a practice of Devotion: to be devoid of any tendencies of self aggrandizement one held dear that must be sacrificed to experience Love's magnititude. The person one was before must be turned to ashes by the Sun & be reborn into a pheonix of inspiration. Transformation is part of the deal. Love is alive & ever evolving. So those who desire its responsibility must be awake enough to stay intune with its wondrous magic that heals all wounds as 

two are but halves of One.


Living Beyond Competition


Longing, Compulsion, & Yoga