Know that when you search for the opinions of another person or robot to remain “on track”, you at the same time neglect the responsibility & skill to do the mental work to discover your own line of Reason. This is an excercise that will most likely take only several minutes longer than searching for an instant, wonder breaded answer, & it keeps your individuality intact with its own velocity. A single soul in competition isn't one, but many forces at once. & each have their own direction. Abiding in this scattered state for too long will create the energtic situation of tying one's limbs to four seperate horses who gallop apart. Eventually, one's psyche will snap. This behavior ensures the muscle of constructive thought will break as the ability to uniquely detect Pattern is lost by layers of encryption in the form of external measurements against oneself. Reality reveals that man isn’t a monolith, but a decentralized play of sequences where one must decide which flute they will follow with the Heart as their snake charmer. The future of each Soul is inside them alone.
In the end, one's Life must only make Sense to them to be valuable. & what greater source of Sense is there than one's native language? If it truly is subpar, then Nature will select the innovation to either be adjusted in response to undesirable outcomes, or perish due to sudden death probably caused by stupidity which the careful Eye would never allow. The thinker need not check with the people to the left & the right of them as they are subject to the same Ruler. It's far wiser & more efficient to present one's findings before the kosmic Teacher in experimentation, & not to the students one sits next to within the class of Humanity.
Reasonable thinking & writing is like silent Music. Instead of the ear drums that are stricken with harmonious notes, it is instead the psyche that's touched by the subtle emotions of organized Word. One who learns the art of composing sentences not only moves themselves, but others into a spell of their making. Such is the same for the musician who compels their audience to dance to the rythm of their beat, or the photographer who sparks reflection in the mind of the viewer with their composition of color, light, & shadow.
There is Style that flows through the current of every philosopher, artist, scientist, doctor, & lover that if found in one field of work can be used in every other with equal levels of quality once the basics are understood. This same Style that andean condors use to soar amongst the clouds, black panthers use to sprint across the savanna, & giant manta rays use to glide through the ocean is what organizes the Life of all individuals to walk the tightrope of their own Thread. This is the innate discipline one can use to know when they are progressing or veering off even when there's no one to verify their actions. The question isn't "how does this look?", but "is this my technique?" If your curiosity is directed to the former, you may take a few steps foward but you will soon run out of a clear path & not know where to turn because you rented the Eye of another who is incapable of Being with you the entire journey. They too have adventures to embark on. But if your inquiry is channeled to the latter, you can take steps until exhaustion because you've made both the traveler & the authority your Self: the only One who can't leave. Wherever you go, there you are. So you might as well learn your Style so you can drive your vehicle the way you enjoy, not to race someone else & oscillate your attention quickly back & forth. Once you do, there's no going back to the confusion from which you came.