Be still & know the universe itself is expanding. So if you learn how to sit with its' ride, everything about you will expand as well. If your investments are scattered, so will your life be. Endow your being with the source of amplification through your attention inward, & become a generator of a similar order on the outside: a factory of ingenuity, a bridge between the unmanifested & manifested order that opens & closes according to your level of concentration of the event before your vision. Don't look to define yourself & obstruct the mystical process. Only see how you can wisely constrain the stream of creativity so its expressions channels potency. Beware the scrambler of human creation that is noise or lack of commitment that only serves an unuseful crowd. Position your vessel in silce to observe in awe the fullness of kosmic intelligence in its sacred geometry of sound reasoning & enchantment. The building blocks of innumerable timeless structures lay dormant within your heart. You need only situate yourself with the conducive atmosphere & tools & wait for the inevitable stream of information to appear within your present as gift from kosmic consciousness you receive merely by your acknowledgment of it. This is an exponential return on investment that we provide our devotion to the beyond so that we become like royalty on Earth amongst the spiritually impoverished who are that way not because they lack capacity for wisdom, but simply because they positioned their life in a limited way; unknowingly worshipping a barrier to the intelligence they simultaneously fear & long for. Cast your tame-hood for the wild to uncover a character you do not know because his order abilities are unhalted by the chameleon tendency in pursuit of survival. Behold what the universe can transform you into once you heed the call for evolution when the repulsion of death has been replaced with the attraction to life. You have on attention & therefore you cannot serve two masters. The power you feed is the power you will get & it will exude from your temple like the fragrance of a lotus flower that greets those sensitive enough to detect its distinct aura. So choose to turn your back on the deceiver that robs your benevolent scent, & sing silent praises to the pole upon the dualistic scale that delivers endless inspiration that propels your joy. Sit upon the summit of your mind until the phoenix of rebirth can be observed & ridden even higher through the clouds ceiling towards the realm of pure sunlight. Bask in the rays of warmth & allow them to burn away those metaphysical chains that gripped your limbs for so long. What's left is strong enough to commune with the self sustaining explosion of magnitude that destroys prison walls for the inner revolution of humanity to unfold in every mind that can sense its resonance. Know the universe's king smiles upon those who carry out his work. Be still & know I am is God.