The Joy Of Evading Self Deception

You can save yourself hours, days, weeks, & years of suffering by evading nonsense situations through the preemptive effort of honest thinking guided by clear attention: A silent activity overlooked by the rush of bodily action. There is a force within us all that revels in the thrill of moving without clarity to see what spontaneous fate life will bring. But this childlike rolling of the dice is banished by the one who matures into the desire of building structures for long term benefit. This requires patience & careful planning that evaporates the adrenaline spike of half observed excitement. It takes the awareness to recognize your own underlying motivations to prevent deception of yourself & others to conduct your life truthfully. Introspection has the power to gradually deliver you from the intoxication of sin, of missing the mark, to the sobriety of sense. This allows you to gracefully bypass stupidity that causes the disintegration of yourself & others. Moreover, this power of pausing ensures your reputation remains at a high stature which keeps not only yourself in a rewarding position, but your people as well that benefit from the consistent source of wisdom caused by your self governance: instilling an inner system of checks & balances that maintain keen calibration of your guiding compass. To turn your mind into your own council by the universal tool of conscience is an invaluable attainment that can be used for innumerable gain.


On Concentration & Kinship


Be Still & Expand