Because consciousness is the supreme plane, each other within us takes its lead. So if you learn to balance & clarify your attention, your energy, mind, & body will do the same. It is the master key to open every room. There is no more or less than what you can see when your gaze is clear. The only essential function of us all is to open the innumerable doors of existence to access its countless rooms & the qualities they contain.
A key is something that complements the shape of a lock which gives it access to contact & influence the lock's inner workings without getting trapped inside. To open any lock, one must first reach awareness of its shape, then build a key that fits. The reverse order will only lead to failure & dis-ease primarily in the form of frustration. Especially when one has reached access to a room through talent alone, gets removed in the long term due to taking its entry for granted, & then attempts to reenter with actual skill. During their stay, they confused their access to be a result of their ethics when it was actually a divine gift: a boon that required very little effort & no awareness of its mechanics. It's possible to be so fortunate that one can achieve great reward without understanding the puzzle of reality, & therefore misunderstand the present of their position. Eventually, their naivety will expose them to graceful punishments for unknowingly breaking kosmic law. Its painful process is the greatest corrective force known to man. The dense minds who cannot see this natural pattern grow to despise & shrink from life. Those who have used the fire for refinement & developed the vision to see, wholeheartedly embrace the game.
The epitome of arrogance is not acknowledging the nature of the door, its lock & key, but still attempting to gain access to its room, believing that some force inside should let you in without demonstration of skill. The purpose of establishing a lock is to keep irresponsible people from entering the space because they are sure to defile its content as pride is the thief of intelligence. The one who moves with awareness, fully attending to each careful step, will surely treat the room’s content with the same level of detail they used to get inside. Know that a person’s character is revealed in the face of obstacles, & is concealed in the reception of rewards particularly if they didn’t earn them.
So it’s important to invite gratitude for all that we have to keep our pride in check; recognizing that if it wasn’t you who worked to access the room you enjoy, it was someone who came before, or the divine who protects you with unique favor. The shade of great trees that prevents the sunlight from scorching your skin were planted by those long ago who knew a meeting would never happen. So let us honor the previous courage by having the heart to maintain & advance what we own not by cutting corners, but by an acknowledgement of the whole.