The man who betrays his own vision for the voices he hears outside is but a grown boy without a compass who waxes & wanes with the waves of the world & disrespects the kingdom within. His foundation is like sand that changes the base of everything he builds which soon falls back into the fragments from which they came. The man understands it isn't the crowd who he goes to sleep with at night, but the sound of his own thoughts, & the resonance of his own heart that contradict themselves within the shadow of a lie; & harmonize into music within the celebration of integrity. If the natural born leader goes right just because everyone says so, God frowns upon him from the inside though the tribe is content for a short while. One matures when they decide to honor their Divine father over the one on Earth. This man laughs with those who weep alongside him; influenced by his light heart that heeded instruction in the company of those who did not. At times, to agree with one's neighbors is the contract that assigns them to a spot closer to hell. To counter their impulsive gestures, making room to listen inwardly reserves them a seat upon the higher plane that soars above mundane normalcy; & it's common sense to invest in prime real estate.