People Pleasing Doesn’t Work

Before a soul matures into the birthright of pioneer-ship, if ever, they will continually succumb to the safety of pleasing other people who they believe provide them safety out of the base instinct for self-preservation. Whether its conscious or unconscious, an individual will make choices not of their own, but powered by the undercurrent of information they sense deep within their nervous system from silent signals in their social environment. Even if one is charting their own path, the responsibility of making their own order out of air is a daunting task which will drive the sapling to venture off into the establishments of others; even if its in their best interest not to do so. Because what one will receive is not only a false sense of community that the mind craves (even if it isn’t real), meaning a group of people who give the individual attention, judgemental attention, but still attention nonetheless that serves to stabilize the personality, they will receive unspoken rules as to how to achieve success in the world. But not the world at large, simply the one fragment of that world they sensed in that one version of tribe. One does not consider that this tribe gained success because they conformed to the tamed laws of the government in which they exist, because that thought is far too subtle to invite when dozens of people in their surroundings appear to have made it somewhere. The place, is not entirely clear, but it is established by an interest group. & that’s what matters to the subconscious. Whereas the maverick looks to be a fool due to his genius having barely grown yet. But know that birds flock to a tree only after it reaches maturity; & Noah's ark was built on flat ground before any sign of a flood was available to the community senses as the motivation to produce the structure came only through intuition.

So the "tribe" of one who builds from the ground, in the very beginning which proves to be the most challenging time to remain consistent, must only be his inner resonance that is likely to rebel against authority. Not because he has a disdain for their buildings, but simply because he hears the call of a different order. An order that may appear absolutely crazy to tradition, but massively sane to the one whose received the blueprint. & the price of obeying the cues seen through the senses and not the ones felt from beyond them, is the distinct reward of humiliation: of having broken trust with one's guide and knowing fully well that's what happened. This depression, although momentary, stings with a purifying pain that has the power to send one back into the alignment they were already walking in.

At times, it's difficult to tell if the pioneer is doing well because they have two things that are in their favor if they are sensitive, & aid their confusion if they are not: chaos & balance. If one is sensitive to chaos, they will see it as the source of their material to lay the next brick of their temple. If something without precedent is built, that must mean the material & the way that builds it is unprecedented as well. In knowing this, chaos becomes one's best friend instead of the source of their fear. If you aren't sensitive enough to the void itself, it's likely you will attempt to fill it with imaginations of demise to send yourself in a circle because you are unknowingly controlled by the cyclical movement of the solar system. It will take you on a ride if you have no will of your own. & this is the world’s way of maintaining its balance. But some talented pioneers having traveled into chaos without meeting their demise have obviously achieved some kind of balance that 's apparent from the outside, though they themselves admit they haven't a clue what they are doing: the true mark of being led by Grace. This balance, however, is weightless by its nature so if one isn't sensitive enough, it can easily go unnoticed giving one the ideas to do something a little different of their path because they feel confident. & with this ignorance, a grave mistake relative to their journey can be made that creates a setback in their momentum they didn't even realize they had. This is where self humiliation comes: the reminder that one was actually doing quite well in the recent past, & that they must continue what they were doing, even when their building has no mentor to consult with so they seek the validation of others who walk the same Earth they do.

By sheer osmosis of being in the company of others who know nothing of the pioneer’s work, the trailblazer can lose the trail simply because he positioned himself amongst the wrong people. Not evil people. Just those who are in a different phase of life & different plane of consciousness. One may feel on track, & after a quick detour will awake the next day with ideas not of their own volition, but of the collective desires of the group they associated with. Just as children, we still, as adults, watch what people do & how they are far more than what they say. So if you are this person whose striving to become an established pioneer, & you also find you're sabotaging your progress without knowing why, you may be subconsciously influenced by the primal desires of wanting to fit in to survive, & the energetic information of the company you keep.

Lions do not hang around gazelles for reasons we all know. It is not that one despises the other, it is simply that Nature designed them to play different roles upon the grand universal stage, which requires certain training & continued behavior of each species to thrive. If the lion attempted to please the gazelle, he would starve to death, though he has the ability & biological obligation to hunt one down. If the gazelle attempted to please the lion his tremendous speed would be unused & he would face a pathetic end. You see, both need each other to exercise their will so not just the species can be well, but so the entire ecosystem can remain strong. A polite lion & an out-of-shape gazelle is not much of a savannah! So you must look at yourself, your strengths & weaknesses & not be afraid to use one & work on the other. This practice is not about self aggrandizement, but about the sustainment of the entirety of life. Iron sharpens iron; & faltering to the unconscious state of blindly pleasing another is like trying to sharpen iron with plastic.

It doesn't work.


There Is No Work Life Balance


Philosophize Your Way To Mastery