Philosophy is the practice of assessing qualities; of which there are endless kinds throughout the known universe. It is a tool to build mental maps for navigation. But merely documenting it’s words is only half the pursuit. The other is to act upon what’s been written, & allow existence to test one’s might in their ability to use symbolism to point with either failure or accuracy at the reality before one’s eyes. To help us with this incredible task, we luckily have the mind on our side: an ancient instrument that took billions of years to develop from Life's origin. It's nature in its purest, unhurried form is far more advanced & organized than we know. For this reason, even if one is a fool, if they allow themselves to philosophize for at least 30 minutes in a focused line of thought, they will undoubtedly follow its stream to Genius. But the wise man can baboon his way into stupidity in just the same time. On any subject one engage's with, it should be carefully considered by them so the meaning can become conscious. Otherwise their actions are baseless & bound for suffering in the near or far future because the sand-like foundation of their products is sure to crumble. & the quickest, most radical way to stabilize into the integrity filled philosophical life is to decide to only trust your own interpretations of your experience without a single external opinion influencing your judgment. In this test of intellectual strength, one is forced to question, find hypocrisies, & refine their own thinking & face the full weight of carrying out the buildings of their thought because they've removed any form of a psychological safety net. One may stumble in the beginning, but they walk upon the path of mastery.
The student of any art, after studying under the masters, will eventually desire to become one themself, which requires them to relate their teachers as equals. If in their perception, the teachers are above their Genius, they will never have the courage & insight to uncover it. So the transition from pupil to contemporary begins with curiosity & skill, & ends with an inward decision to advance. Even if a degree is awarded from an outside institution, the ability to apply the teachings & even surpass them comes from the choice to do so. The student of one year can reach mastery before the student of ten solely because of the conviction of their skill. In mimicry, there is always a limitation of potential as the unique blossoming of one's creativity remains restricted: an important measure when inside a school to prevent deviating from the basics. But if a nuanced technique isn't developed by the apprentice to compliment their own seed, they will stay a sapling. Just as the musician must hear & compose their own song to unveil their sonic power & contribute their best work to society, & the sprinter must take their own strides to attain glory upon the track, & the photographer must release the images that moved them to forge their own, all in a commitment to reach alignment within their soul, so must the philosopher provide themself the favor to finally think from & for themself to navigate the world as best they can. The only alternative is misalignment & stagnation. & though even this can be good if the student chose quality teachers, it will never be great. Their style will never be whole to sustain & grow their affinity for the art, & the impact they will have upon an audience who depends on an evolving character to evolve themselves.
Words are simply the symbolic wake of ones Life force. They contain the power to make a person see what they did not; even if it was right before their eyes. They have the power to build & destroy & the one who wields them with wisdom & creativity from trusting their education & instinct is sure to live a blessed, vigorous life throughout their pioneering journey across space & time.