The Blossoming Of Grown Women
Beyond the psychological security system of a grown woman, lies the charm of an innocent girl. & though she can appear troublesome to the man whose grown rigid with his misguided lust for social power, her whimsy proves to be more valuable than gold to the man who knows how to hold the intense expression of femininity. In my experience, I see perhaps the most pure & successful romantic dynamic between a man & a woman is like that of a father to daughter. But the "child" is a playful oracle full of wisdom as opposed to aimless immaturity. A man whose become sensitive & stable enough to invite this fruitful dance in his life can read the tea leaves of a woman's heart & know her in between the lines. For the daughter is a living metaphor for the father to protect & decode & enhance his ability to witness & interpret. Just as the subconscious is a living metaphor for the observer to decode as it arises from the endless unknown depths of one's own mind. & upon this subtle flowering of innocent charm, a man must take notice, & become even more stable, yet flexible within himself to cultivate the phenomena’s delicate magic. At his opening, if he behaves with a heavy hand, the fire will be stomped out. The clam will shut & she will hide her pearl of wisdom that is only revealed by her consent. It cannot be forced open through an authoritative demeanor. It is not like a boulder to be muscled out of the way. It is like a highly perceptive cobra that must be serenaded out of its camouflage with a skillful flute: a sensitive, winding energy that appears in a beautiful fashion only by hearing the right notes at the right time. & the risk of conjuring a force of nature such as this that can be both as enchanting as a rainbow & as dangerous as a lightning storm that came before it, is all apart of its value that requires preparation to engage with. Not just any man with a strong body & a handsome face can access the oracle. He may receive other gifts of lower qualities from her, but the greatest offerings will remain hidden. a Human being is only as perceptive as they are lubricated. & it is perception alone that opens the doors of the Universe to us. So, it is therefore the greatest power one can cultivate. A smooth man whose integrated his feminine side then, not a brute, is the one who opens a women’s heart to reveal the girl who gladly submits to his influential skill. & this initiation of minimal friction propels a relationship of timeless love & discovery that bewilders the common man whose stuck with the archaic idea of dominance being the key to wholesome wealth.
Now, let's travel deeper. When a grown woman falls in love with a grown man who ensures her safety, she enters into a trance beyond time. From there, upon asking her careful questions, she will give him the keys to the Universe provided she is given unwavering solar energy from the man: not as the person who appears before him, but as a representative of Energy itself. But most men, in their prolonged adolescence enabled in part by the foolish oppression of women, do no reach this phase of accessing profound wisdom. Nor do they actually desire to because they do not have the infrastructure to consistently take on the responsibility of dealing her “luna(tic)” behavior that comes along with it. Meaning, they do not have the capacity to be the Sun to her Moon (which is where the world luna comes from) & its many phases. & this signifies only the man's inability or unwillingness to uncover & bring to rest his own “lunatic”, his own anima, that he hides from the world & himself which manifests in odd outbursts & desires for social control. Before a grown woman's wisdom is expounded upon, she must reach a vibration of intense resonance within the relationship. & this can only come with the pronounced phases of her nature that reflect the flow of the Universe itself. So her chaos is not something to curtail, but something to cultivate with an unyielding reverence.
One can discern the health of a nation based upon how its women are treated. & the degradation of western society is merely a symbol, a lagging indicator, of mishandling this fundamental relationship. Man knows only how to treat Life with the same level of skill with which he knows how to treat women. & in fact, a grown woman is not supposed to behave within the narrow views of what is considered sane: to fit neatly inside the tight regiments of a man's world. If she has no opportunity to behave like a “lunatic”, like the Moon, then she has no opportunity to live. & know that the Moon keeps the Earth, the land of fertility, in its proper place to continue producing its ancient abundance. So demanding a woman be emotionally flatlined is the same as commanding her to die. Slowly, but surely. & the man who continually releases his solar energy through engaging in frivolous pursuits, degenerates into behaving like the Moon himself. He will wander through unnatural phases to misunderstand & destabilize the way of the woman. He wants her to stay the same because he is constantly changing. It is not a desire for construction, but of manipulation to cope with his internal conflict. But even in these backwards roles, the Sun & Moon must be present to sustain the relationship. So in her compassion, she attempts to be like the Sun. But she cannot sustain it because that is not her natural position. This system may last for a time, but the sheer inefficiency of energy exchange will cause it to collapse. What is naturally engineered to be a source of regeneration becomes an ordeal for both. However, if the man made consciousness, the source of Light, what he revolved his attention around instead of hoping his unlawful actions of a vampiric agenda will somehow defy physics & work in his favor, he will naturally become like the unfazed Sun. & the Moon, as a response to the lead, takes its frictionless orbit back into balance to continue moving within its timeless geometric path.
This, my friends, is the only way I have found to rekindle the power of uniting the traditional romantic relationship between men & women. If you've found another, do tell me what you've learned. Our civilization’s wellbeing depends upon it.