The Power Of Self Inquiry

Insights aren’t just interesting quotes to be collected for entertaining the intellect. They are portals into new realities of life if they are translated into action. This is the Magic of words.

Fasting from the internet, the realm of publication that distracts from that of the internal creative process, allows the mind to pause & renew itself through the psychological transformation of reflection. In the face of an inquiry, if you cannot answer it with your own authorship, then accept the current constraint that is it unknown in that moment. If it is truly relevant to the pragmatism of your life, the wisdom will come on its own time. This technique of using the magnetism of self inquiry versus the hunting of a valuable needle in a haystack full of irrelevance is a far more efficient way to use the mind & solve one’s questions. We all are our own pristine search engines so long as we maintain the desire to have our questions answered. Every question we ask ourselves is connected to an inner answer through a psychic thread; & if we simply attend to this thread for long enough, the answer will appear in our awareness. This is the same gravity that’s accessed by the balanced & electrified human being who's done the preparation to use the ancient technology we all are blessed to use moment by moment. The answers with this method are tailor made for one’s situation because they are born from all the impressions of the content in which one exists: data so personal it is impossible to document & research in a public library. So the key to this way of resolution is not to gather records of the setting, but to gather vivid impressions through clear attention of it as this is the only certain way to produce a vivid response. One will find their productions are far more intimately related to the play at hand that arranges far more precisely than any vague answer that’s come from another mind’s impressions born from a whole other context. When one understands this, they will see the very nature of seeking precedented guidance on their own unprecedented situation is a naive attempt at establishing order; & its’ ultimate effect is to be lead astray to a North Star that may have existed for someone else, but surely does not for them. Education then, though it is narrated as a standardized social activity, is deeply personal. So the inclusion of a plethora of foreign signals to know a singular concept that can only be processed through one’s own interpretation is the bane of comprehension. Of course, one will engage with the tribe’s traditions to seek counsel for as long as they are unaware of this principle. But once it’s realized, people will be sought for communion, for mutual celebration of life itself as equals; & not as sheep & shepherd. Know the foundation of this method is accepting the risk of being wrong & the reward of being right. It is an exercise to rapidly develop self respect, resilience, & embracement of the inescapable uncertainty of life.

This game of Freedom is open only to those who value self respect over external protection. Who estimate that liberation is worth more than their fear of death, & eventually see this as the only security life has to offer as what they were mislead to be it was merely a cunning way of being oppressed by the conditional guardianship of another’s rule. The rulers who provide havens only for those who serve their controlling agenda: the standard practice of all authoritarian governments throughout history that convince their constituents from an impressionable age that external protection is worth more than self respect; & slowly mold a nation of people who continually accept the encroachment of their private boundaries until their sense of self & determination is stolen from them. This is a trick unseen because the eerie sensation of chronic dissatisfaction is unceasingly supplemented by a delivery of frivolous pleasure, of soma that insidiously allows for the disrespect to be enjoyed, & therefore misinterpreted as a good life. As the way things ought to be because there is no better alternative. Another choice cannot be seen if one’s source of information is fixed onto a regimented current that defies the fluidity of Life.

It is human nature that we will devote ourselves to whatever note takes us the highest. By whatever we perceive to be the source of our bliss. & if one does not reach the naturally occurring joy of the Self through inward focused inquiry, they will automatically worship a false idol & feast on their crumbs of illusory contentment & stability. They will project their own divinity they seek onto celebrities, social status, luxury objects, sexual partners, gourmet food, philosophy books, collegiate degrees, etc. Any note within their uni-verse that brings them a jolt of electricity they will pledge allegiance to because that is what they believe keeps them vital. That is until they finally turn around, away from the sense objects to notice the subject that’s witnessing the play to find it is the very factory of bliss they have been experiencing in fragments & longing for in its entirety during their whole search. & this realization is in direct opposition to the authoritarian regime that seizes power only by the stories they spell to others: the same stories that mean nothing to the Awakened one who authors their own movie & reclaims the same Magic that was used against them. But instead of being motivated by greed, this being is moved by self compassion: the benevolent energy that informs what they author in their manner & speech. This is the same compassion that is inevitably projected onto others to inspire a movement towards the free domain. Towards our real, boundless home that lies within the heart of everyone which forms a decentralized power structure across society where the individual, not an institution, is the source of a unique branch of Wisdom granted by their attunement to the Creator. The same home that willingly grants the powers of keen observation, sound judgment, concise reason, & the courage & creativity to put these vital elements into the play of the now if one doesn't stray away from it. The one who invites instruction from above will be granted the skill to mirror it below. So cooperate with a library, an authority, only to define an unknown concept for dot connection. Never use it to find an answer, or you will have made the dead the ruler of your life. & know that you are the solution to all your problems, just as you are the problem to all your solutions.


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