The Power Of Common Sense

Common sense isn't called that because most of use it. It's because all of us have access to it. But many do not tap into its simple power that's drowned by the complexities of irrelevant thinking purposely taught to the masses. In-tell-i-gence simply means to gently tell what's happening from within you. It's a gift directly from the source we don't have to strive for. We need only fall back into its mystical openness of accurate detection. But its' signal is delicate; & so it is lost in the whirlwind of seeking external validation motivated by the belief that one's self induced fear of error is real. Especially when the knowledge comes swiftly & with ease. "There must be more" the overactive ego says to itself when there truly is not. We prevent out progress by denying our process. If you know you know, that's all you need to advance. If you doubt that you know, your attention will wander into a maze of useless mental gymnastics only to arrive at the same conclusion of your original knowing, but having severed a portion of your connection to your innate intelligence through trusting something else. The more you disrespect your own sense, the weaker its signal becomes. The more you respect it, the stronger it communicates & harmonizes with your conscious mind. The one who has reached total integration of this intelligence through continual, unwavering devotion, has become an unstoppable force of nature. & when one inevtiably reaches the hieghts of whatever endeavor they choose, they will fall from Grace only if this sacred communion is forgotten by the noise of their success.

The source of commons sense is the Ground of Creation & those who spend too much time in the air will have none. All seekers eventually realize this universal tool is the only thing they can bring with them on the spiritual ascent / quest for wisdom. & this is the divide between those who are smart, & those who are wise: the latter still clings to the old concepts they hold dear to navigate a fresh world, while the former's allegiance is only to the increasing clarity of their common sense that's uniquely subtle enough to attune to any terrain of life. So the smart stay by the bottom of the mountain they've never climbed, watching in awe as the wise elevate beyond what's ever been done. The living library of relevance that morphs according to the situation one finds themself in is circumambulated by the intellectual seeker who knows they've reached a limit in their understanding of experience. That is until they finally decide to fall back into the bottomless pit of devotion to be overwhelmed by the Spirit; & therefore receive pieces of its knowledge little by little at the right time & place. Through this process one's access to common sense gradually expands to reveal the boundless picture that contains its equivalent knowledge: a sturdy ledge of information one can stand on to reach their next level of Life.

This is the bow & arrow that hits every target. The universal program of which there is only one. It mirrors the singular creator & its coherent design. Wisdom makes sense to people all across the transforming spaces & times of Earth because all that has integrity must incorporate its tune. Its structure is sound & hasn't a single weakness because it was made by the same hand that made the indestructible sea of Energy itself. All of history's philosophies that have moved billions of people all came from an individual who discovered their own sense. Know that all a man looks for in a book are the right combination of words to set him free; & during the search, he loses sight of the fact that he can weave them himself from within. & the means to create this weave is the Supreme Intelligence we all have a direct line to.

So do not fear the insight that are shown to you. The curriculum of your experience upon the school of Earth is yours alone. Comparison isn’t only the thief of joy, but the thief of education as well. & this, my friends, proves to be the cause of suffering. But looking straight ahead from the Sun within you, is the way down the enlightened path.


The Power Of Self Inquiry